Rémi Wauthy

What I Live For

        There are many things in life that are important to me, but what I really live for comes down to three things: the will of God, my friends and family, and my future.  By following the will of God, one will be on the right path to heaven.  Family is the way to ones past, and they will always be their.  Friends are important because one will be influenced significantly by their closest friends.  Having a successful future will lead one to be content while they live in this world.  The decisions one makes now will change tomorrow forever.  These three aspects life are what I base my life on.

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        Of all three, doing the will of God is on the top of my list of priorities.  There is a simple answer to why it is; I want to get to heaven.  This is my ultimate goal, and doing the will of God will help me get there.  It is very difficult to follow our Father’s will constantly.  One must have to get up after they fall down.  It is also very difficult to make following God someone’s top priority in the world we live in today.  There is violence, hatred, and sin everywhere one looks.  We must make smart ...

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