Arron Pollock 12RT

Question 1

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues within today’s society.  Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy; the foetus is removed usually before twenty-four weeks of pregnancy.

Many Christians have different beliefs about the topic of abortion; therefore it is more difficult for individuals to know what is accepted and what’s not.

It was once illegal to have an abortion in the United Kingdom.  Women who wanted an abortion had to find secret, illegal ways of terminating their pregnancies.  Women who could not afford a private clinic could either go to ‘back street’ clinics, often staffed by unqualified or under-qualified people, or try to terminate their pregnancies at home, using things such as knitting needles and alcohol.

As a result many women died from infection or haemorrhaging.  Whereas others became seriously ill and, in some cases, were unable to have more children in the future.

The 1967 Abortion Act allowed women to seek an abortion in all areas of the United Kingdom, except Northern Ireland. Two doctors must agree that if the pregnancy continues there is:

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  • Risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman
  • Risk of injury to the physical or mental health of any existing children of the pregnant women
  • Risk to the life of the pregnant women
  • A real risk that the child would suffer from such physical or mental disabilities as to be seriously handicapped

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990 amended the Abortion Act.  Great medical advances had occurred since 1967.  In some cases, premature babies are now able to survive outside the womb after twenty-four weeks.  The 1990 Act stated that ...

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