Hinduism is one of the oldest and largest religious groups in the world.  It started thousands of years ago in India, where many followers still live today.  Hinduism has not got a founder, but gradually from early beliefs. Now in life there are many different Hindu groups.  They may worship the same gods, but they do not share the same beliefs.  Ancient Persians first used the name Hindu over 2000 years ago to describe the people living near the River Indus in North India.  Modern day Hindus prefer Sanatan Dharma to describe their religion.  It means the eternal way of conduct.  There are about 700 million Hindus in the world.  Most live in India but also other countries including the U.K were around 360,000 Hindus live.

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What do Hindu’s believe in God?

Most Hindu’s are monotheists in that they believe in the existence of one major soul or spirit called Brahman. He does not look like anything but is always around.  Many Hindu’s call this God.

Brahma- is seen as the creator of the universe and the God of wisdom.  His female counterpart is Saraswati the goddess of the art, music and literatore.  He is not worshipped widely as the act of creation has been completed.

Vishno- the preserver of the universe is thought to be in charge of human fate.  He ...

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