Abortion: Coursework

Question A (1): What is meant by abortion?


Abortion is the removal from the womb of a growing foetus (the unborn child in the womb). The issue of abortion and whether or not it is right or wrong has created a lot of discussion across the world. It is an issue that affects thousands of people every year, and something that these people, especially women, have to make a big decision about.

In 1967, a law about abortion, the Abortion Act, was passed. It stated that a person would not be guilty of the unlawful ending of a pregnancy if:

  • The operation is carried out by a registered doctor in a registered hospital (unless it’s an emergency)
  • Two registered doctors agree that by carrying on with the pregnancy there would be a risk to the physical and mental health of the mother, or that there is a risk that the foetus would be born with a serious physical or mental handicap

In 1990, another law about abortion, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act, was passed. It stated abortion would only be acceptable if:

  • The pregnancy is no longer than 24 weeks
  • The pregnancy involves risk to the physical and mental health of the pregnant mother, or any existing children of the family
  • There is a substantial risk that if the child were born, it would suffer from serious handicaps

There are many people who believe abortion is wrong, and many who agree with it. Some of the reasons why people are against abortion are:

  • The unborn child, the foetus, is separate human being, not just a part of the mother’s body
  • By letting women have abortions, society is taking the easy way out – a society where no child is unwanted should be created
  • A foetus has a right not to be killed
  • People with the most serious handicaps can lead happy lives
  • A foetus is a potential human being – one day, it could be a person
  • Abortions can go wrong and leave physical or mental scars on a woman
  •  If people were better educated, and used contraceptives, and single mothers were better cared for, there would be no need for abortions

Some of the reasons why people are for abortions are:

  • Every woman has a right to control her own body and make her own decision about abortion – she shouldn’t be forced to make that decision by anyone else
  • It’s not easy to know when life begins. What does life actually mean – cells, growth, heart beating, a soul?
  • There’s no such thing as 100% safe contraception
  • If abortions were made illegal, women would go to illegal clinics, known as Backstreet Abortionists, where their lives would be at risk
  • Every child has a right to be a wanted child – abortions save thousands of children from being unwanted and save society from many problems
  • If a women is raped and becomes pregnant, then offering her an abortion is a kind and practical way of helping her
  • It is a terrible experience for a fourteen-year-old girl to go through childbirth and then have to give up the baby for adoption because she can’t possibly cope with being a mother
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Question A (2): What Biblical teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion?

Genesis 1: 26 – 27 Old Testament

        “Then God said, ‘And now, we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have the power over all the fish, the birds, and all the animals, domestic and wild, large and small.’ So God created human beings making them to be like Himself.”

        This quote states that humans are made to be like God, in His image. Abortion would then be wrong as killing a part of God. ...

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