What is meant by the word abortion?

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The purpose of this essay is to define the meaning of abortion.  Within the first section of my essay, I will discuss the legal information for the United Kingdom and talk about the medical information and clinical methods.  I will also point out a few facts from the bible about abortion, talk about the pro-life and pro-choice organisations and explain the different denominations’ beliefs.

        In the second part of my essay I will explain how Christians put their beliefs into action, I’ll show and explain examples of obedience and revolt from the church teachings, I’ll describe some actions Christians have already done about Abortion and I’ll explain some hard-choice cases.

        In the third part of my essay, I will discuss ‘Abortion is never justified’; I’ll give my opinions and back them up with evidence both from and not from biblical records.

What is meant by the word abortion?

The dictionary definition for abortion is

1.a Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a foetus that is incapable of survival.

b. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion and direct abortion.

2.The premature expulsion of a nonviable foetus from the uterus; a miscarriage.  Also called an indirect abortion.

Pro-choice Christians believe abortion is ‘premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb.’  This saying mentions nothing of death, of the mother’s torment of the consequences of the abortion. Instead, it talks of a foetus, not a child and contrary to the facts makes abortion sound like there’s nothing to it.  However untrue this statement is to the emotional side of abortion, it does explain what abortion is and maybe the lack of emotional reality is meant as compassion for pregnant woman who are about to get an abortion.

Pro-life Christians believe abortion is ‘the killing of the most innocent of human beings before birth.’  Most of this sentence is in fact an opinion; pro-lifers generally believe life begins at conception, however from a science point of view ensoulment has never been proved to be at a specific time in the foetus’ development.  As for the part about the most innocent beings, this also is an opinion, if the foetus isn’t actually a set gender yet can it really have a personality and therefore any part in human rights, can it be labelled ‘innocent’ without a personality or without the capability of doing anything at all which is considered ‘impure’?  Nevertheless, this does demonstrate the mother’s actual thoughts about her baby after it being aborted. It may help or hinder women if they read the pro-life Christian’s views on abortion whilst deciding whether or not to have the child.

Medical information

There are many types of abortion here are some examples:

Suction aspiration or suction abortion:

This is the most common abortion, it’s performed up to twelve weeks and involves the cervix to be forced open and the foetus is sucked out in pieces.

D&E abortion:

This can be performed after twelve weeks, it includes the cervix being forced open, and a plier-like-instrument would then twist and pull off the foetus’ limbs, crush the rib cage and skull then evacuate them.

D&X (Dilatation and Extraction) abortion:

This is used from the fourth to ninth month of pregnancy and uses ultrasound to pinpoint where the foetus is.  The surgeon would then open the cervix and pull out the body except the head which has scissors jammed into the back of the skull and opened to create a large hole.  Its brain tissue is then sucked out to eliminate all chance of it being alive.  This abortion is also called the Partial birth abortion because it’s just as painful as a real birth because the baby is fully developed, however the baby is delivered without a head.

Mifepristone or mifeprex (RU-486):

This is a pill taken up to 72 hours after conception, it stops the hormone Progesterone from sustaining the pregnancy and when taken with misoprostol it makes the womb contract and deliver the embryo.

Pregnancy reduction:

This reduces the number of babies in the womb if the mother is going to have twins/triplets etc.  Poison is injected into one baby’s heart killing it.

Saline amniocentesis:

This is a highly concentrated salt solution that is swallowed and breathed in by the baby, killing it.  The mother then delivers the dead body two days later.

D&C abortion (Dilatation & Curettage):

This is performed in the first three months.  A curved knife is poked into the placenta and cuts up the baby; the parts are then suctioned out.  

Legal information

Many laws were passed about abortion because there was so many different points of view about it, parliament were quick to realise that a law wouldn’t stop women having abortions, they didn’t want to kill their baby, but their minds were made up and they were willing to risk persecution and infection to execute their plans.  

Eventually, laws were passed so women didn’t have to go back street and risk terrible illnesses from ill sterilised equipment and struck off doctors operating on them.  But these laws were very specific in who was allowed to have an abortion and who wasn’t; these were decided by moments in foetal development, however these moments are all debateable and there’s no specific point that makes the foetus into a human being.  Here are the most important parts:

        Conception (0 weeks), a new and unique genotype ‘person with potential not potential person.’  The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches believe this to be the time were the embryo receives human rights.

        Nudation, this is where there is an implantation in the womb.

        Primitive steak (2 weeks), this is when the nervous system appears and so the foetus can feel.  In the Warnock report, it states that this should be the point were the foetus is given rights.

        Ensoulment Boys 46 days, girls 90 day, in the bible it states that this is the point where the foetus receives it’s soul, therefore making it into a proper human with moods and thoughts.  St Augustine believed this and believed that after this stage anyone who hurt the foetus/child/adult was damaging God’s work.

        Viability (24 weeks), this is when the foetus is able to survive outside the womb.  The human Fertilisation and Embryology act stopped letting just anyone have the abortion at this point.

        Birth (36 weeks).

        Awareness of self as a continuing being 2-3 years.

The Infant Life Preservation Act 1929

Before this law was passed, abortion was illegal and the punishment was three years imprisonment to life.

This law enabled abortions to be carried out if the mother’s life was at risk, but it was still illegal to abort a child capable of birth.  The act meant that doctors had the authority to decide whether the abortion was legal or not.

The abortion act 1967

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This act meant that all abortions had to be performed by NHS medical practitioner or in a department of health approved location. This also made abortions legal if:             1) Risk to life of mother if pregnancy continued, more so than the abortion

                                                   2) The termination is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.


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