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Sonya Mahgani         Christianity Coursework           AO2


Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a foetus, or the ending of a pregnancy through medical means. In society today abortions are common and no justified reason has to be presented. The topic of abortion is quite a controversial issue and people today have a range of opinions and ideas on the matter. Some may argue it is the murdering of a child but others in defence to this may say that the foetus is not yet a child as before 24 weeks (this is the latest stage of pregnancy where a termination is permitted) of pregnancy all the features of the baby are not yet formed consequently making the foetus not a human being. This all depends on the time in which one believes life begins.

There are many pro-abortion organisations such as the abortion reform group. Groups such as this believe that a woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body because in any case it is her body. They would also claim that it is not only wrong but also unfair to bring an unwanted child into the world.  If the parents of the child had prior knowledge that the child would be in some way physically or mentally disabled then abortion is the right path not only for the parents but the child too as the child may suffer rejection and become a problem in society. A pro-abortion group would also allege that abortion is not an act of murder as it only destroys a collection of cells, which would be unable to survive external to the womb before 24 weeks of pregnancy. Another scenario in which abortion may be looked upon as acceptable is if as a result of giving birth the woman is at risk of dying particularly if the woman already has children who need their mother. A prime example of a scenario where abortion is considered to be justifiable is in the case of rape, no woman should be forced to continue with a pregnancy after such an atrocity. In the eyes of such organisations abortion protects a great number of children from being unwanted and rejected and relieves society from burdens these children may become, especially in the case of disabled children. Abortion is an act, which may be claimed as responsible, and some may go as far to say that abortions should be available on request regardless of the circumstances.

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On the contrary, there are also organisations such as Save The Unborn Child, which fight for the life of the unborn child. They believe that from the moment of conception the child has a right to life, as this is where life begins. In some cases it may be argued that abortion is a convenient form of contraception and encourages people to take a casual approach to sexual relationships. Another answer could perhaps be adoption, however as thousands of unborn children are aborted each year the chance for couples that are unable to conceive to have children through the ...

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