Why are marriage rates declining?

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Komal Patel 11GS


Why are marriage rates declining?

Introduction:  For my sociology project I am going to look at marriage and find out the different reasons for its downfall over the past few years.

My aim is to find out why marriage is declining.

The different things I am going to look at are

  • Divorce Rates
  • Cohabitation
  • Changes in women’s roles
  • Decline in religious beliefs

Divorce Rates: Divorce rates have increased over the past years. There are many reasons that people may decide to divorce. The different reasons are

  • Changes in the attitudes towards marriage
  • Legal changes
  • High expectations of a marriage

Divorce has never been accepted in religion, but recently as it is becoming more and more popular, religious people are accepting it as a fact of life.

Cohabitation: Cohabitation is when two people live together, but aren’t legally married. Many people cohabite as it is a sort of trial for real married life. Most cohabiting couples end up getting married. Some say that marriage is becoming less fashionable and that cohabitation is a good alternative.

Chester argues that cohabitation is just a phase. Some cohabiting couples also have children, out side a marriage. Up to 30% of births are outside marriage.

Before cohabitation was seen as a deviant thing, but as time went on it became more and more socially accepted. Many people say that there are many disadvantages to cohabitation they are:

  • Living together before marriage increases the risk of divorce. One study found an increased risk of 46%.
  • Living together outside marriage increases the risk of domestic violence for women and the risk of physical and sexual abuse for children. One study found that the risk of domestic violence for women in cohabiting relationships was double that in married relationships; the risk is even greater for child abuse.
  • Unmarried couples have lower levels of happiness and well-being than married couples.

Young couples prefer to cohabitate because if things don’t work out they don’t have to seek legal or religious permission to dissolve their union.

Changes in women’s roles: three quarters of divorces are started by wives, which means that women are becoming more economically independent, and they don’t always rely on their spouse, as they are sometimes the ‘breadwinners’ of the household. Women’s expectations from the marriage are also increasing. Goode argues that historically marriage, was not based on love but was for economic support, with lower expectations regarding companionship. Nowadays marriage is expected to provide both economic support and love and care. Parsons said that women look for emotional support from their marriage, which isn’t found in the broader society.

As women are becoming more successful, getting married could mean the end of their careers. And many women don’t want to get into a relationship/marriage if it puts a strain on their careers. Another aspect of marriage that may put women off marriage is that having children is a part of it, and some women just aren’t ready fro that commitment.

Decline in religious beliefs: the influence of religion on people is declining, and many question the purpose of a religious ceremony to tie their marriage, when they have no belief in it. All religions say that marriage is important, many religions emphasis marriage as a key aspect of life. But as religious beliefs are going down so are the marriage rates. 

I believe that the two reasons that marriage rates are declining are due:

  • Divorce
  • Changes in women’s roles

I think that many marriages are ending in divorce; one in two marriages end in divorce. Therefore not many people want to get married any more. Over the years there has been a great increase in the number of divorces. Goode argues that the change in attitudes towards divorce is part of the more general process of secularisation. Secularisation refers to the declining influence of the church and of religious belief. DIVORCE is a legal dissolution of marriage. People who divorced were seen as deviant, as it was against the norms of society, but now it has become accepted. Since 1971, marriages have fallen by one-fifth and divorces have doubled. Divorce rates increased tremendously, after the law was changed, which made it easier to obtain a divorce. The changes in the law lead up to a sudden rise in divorce. In 1969 the law changed again, this meant that a divorce could have been obtained due to Irretrievable breakdown of marriage”.

In Britain the divorce law has changed very slowly:

  • 1534- Divorce allowed only by Act of Parliament
  • 1837-Divorce allowed only on grounds of adultery
  • 1937-Divorce allowed on the grounds of adultery, desertion, cruelty and insanity
  • 1969-Divorce allowed on the grounds of “irretrievable breakdown of marriage”

The different reasons suggested why people get divorced are:

  • They married too young
  • They married for the sake of the child who was “on the way”
  • They fell out of love with their partner (and in love with someone else)
  • They just “drifted apart”
  • “Mother in law got in the way”

Marriage is essentially a coming together, a sharing, a fighting of problem together, a vital communication between two people- and when this communication breakdown so does the marriage.

Although many people blame the law for the increase in divorce rates, people have to remember that the law reflects the public’s opinions.  Divorce is more common amongst certain social classes than others. There are higher divorce rates in the working and lower -middle class. Statistics say that divorce is more common among young partners.

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Another reason that marriages are declining is due to the changes in women’s roles in society: now that women are becoming more and more independent there is no need for them to get married. Women are becoming increasingly economically dependant. Women start off three-quarters of divorces, which may suggest that they don’t rely on their partners for financial support any more.


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