why do christians oppose euthanasia

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Why do many Christians appose euthanasia?

        Euthanasia is when someone is terminally ill and do not want to live any more. This is a confusing and torturing time for the person that is thinking of euthanasia and the people around then if they know about it. Sometimes euthanasia can just be a phase and people forget that they ever thought of it, but some people feel so strong that they want this done to them that they will not give up until they win. There are three main types of euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is when somebody assists them killing them as they may not be able to physically do it themselves. Involuntary euthanasia is when the person being killed is capable of consenting of their own death but does not do so; this normally ends up in being murder. Non voluntary euthanasia is when someone is not able to say if they want to be killed or not. For example if they are in a coma. Doctors will end up making the decision. All of these types of euthanasia can be passive or active. Passive means allowing a patient to die by withholding medical treatment. Active meaning deliberately taking actions to end someone’s life.

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Christians and Protestants have very different views on this subject. Christians appose euthanasia very strongly as they think that life is so sacred it is better than no life at all. If they are going through physical pain Christians think that can be sorted by drugs. They also think that some people making the decision are clinically depressed, and therefore not fit to make such a vital decision. Christian groups believe that God has given us life so therefore he should be the one to take it away. All strong Christian churches appose euthanasia and this is what john ...

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