Why is the family important for the ‘social and religious life’ of the community?

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Why is the family important for the 'social and religious life' of the community?

In Islam, the family is vitally important for the 'social and religious life' of the community because the Muslim family is the miniature of the whole of Muslim society and its firm basis. Let's first talk about the relationship between the parents and their children.

Parents and their children are generally very close emotionally and physically. Mothers ( and fathers as well ) often sleep with their children when they are young in order to give them better care and more security. Most Muslims had never been accustomed to leaving young children with babysitters or in nursery schools until quite recently. Children are often with their parents, sharing their experiences and happiness. If they must be left, as a rule, they must stay with either relatives, friends or reliable and trusted servants.

Training and guidance is an essential thing when Muslim parents bring up their children and it starts very early. Their aim is to try their best in 'moulding' their children so that they have a sound Islamic personality, with a good character and morals. The parents' training and guidance should enable the children to have strong Islamic principles, sound Islamic knowledge, proper Islamic behaviour, and the strength and tools to handle whatever the demands of life in a mature and responsible fashion. However, the parents should not just give indications and instruction as to what their children should do but far more importantly, the parents should set a living example of how to submit to God through conscientious practice of the teachings of Islam. Muslim parents should help their children along in avoiding behaviour, activities and companions which do not fit in with a pure Islamic life. The parents encourage their children to fulfil their Islamic obligations. They should place their children in a school which is good for their education, and are careful of whom their children play with and what they are allowed and not allowed to do. At the same time, they should also encourage their children in healthy activities and help to develop their interests. Young Muslims growing up, especially ones in the West will experience many problems, this could be social pressure from friends around them who are very far from Islam and are trying to lead them towards doing things that they know are forbidden e.g. alcohol, drugs. At this difficult time, parents are the greatest source of support. They should try and understand their children and try and guide them to the right path; they should offer them comfort, love and warmth so that the children do not search for solutions to their problems through unlawful sex ( sex before marriage is forbidden in Islam ), alcohol, drugs and other bad behaviour. Children take many years to become independent. A family gives a secure framework for them to grow up as part of the Muslim community. We can see how important the training from the parents to its children is - the morals, values, attitudes and training that the children receive in their family will be of use when they go out into the world. How they behave at home will contribute to how they will behave in social and religious life of the community.
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Islam is a religion which guides its followers in every aspect of their lives. It is a way of life.

Let's consider some of the more social aspects :


There's much emphasis in Islam on protecting women from men's sexual desires. Muslim society does not approve of nudity and as the children go up, they are taught to be discreet about their bodies.

Modesty is the main consideration in dress for both sexes. Modesty is much emphasised in Islam. There are many verses in the Hadith which support this :

'Modesty ...

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