Why is the story of Adam and Eve called the downfall of man?

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Why is the story of Adam and Eve called the downfall of man?

        Firstly, what does the word ‘downfall’ mean? A reliable source says that it is a “sudden loss of wealth, rank, reputation, or happiness;” in other words: ruin.  When God created the world, everything was perfect.  Both Adam and Eve were obedient and the Garden of Eden was bliss.  Both Adam and Eve had no worries and no problems.  

One day however, the serpent said to Eve “did God really say that you can’t eat from the tree of knowledge?” 

She replied, “We may eat from any tree, except the one that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad.  If we eat it we shall die.”

“That is a lie.” The serpent said, “God is only saying that because he knows that if you eat the fruit, you will become as wise and powerful as him.”  It was at this time that Eve underestimated God and ate the fruit and gave some to Adam to eat.  When God saw them, they were banished from Eden and punished for what they had done.  This was their downfall.

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        This story has a metaphoric meaning.  This is because the temptation story resembles that of growing up.  i.e.  Adam and Eve start off like children, not knowing anything and innocent.  They then become independent like teenagers and become rebellious.  They then learn from their punishment and learn that every action has a consequence.

        Many would argue that it should definitely be called the downfall.  This is why:  Man breaks his close link with God.  When God made man, they had a very close link Adam would do exactly what God said and God would protect him.  However, by ...

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