Zero tolerance policies and schools

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        Rubenstein, Deanna

        EDCR 103 Foundations

        Zero Tolerance Position p.145

        RL: 8.2

        Words: 450

Zero Tolerance

The zero tolerance policies call for students to receive automatic suspensions or expulsions as punishment for certain offenses, primarily those involving weapons, threats, or drugs. I agree that safety is an important concern in schools, but sometimes the zero tolerance policy is taken too far. It is as if administrators don’t distinguish between minor and major discretions.

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I do believe that students who get in fights or who bring drugs into school should be punished. However, a third grader who shouts “bang” with an imaginary gun should not be suspended. That is just the imagination of a young child. He means no harm. If anything, he/she might have gotten the idea from television or video games. I understand that those who are disruptive to the learning process should be removed from school. It is not fair to other students who actually want to learn. If they aren’t very disruptive, I think other punishments should be implemented, such ...

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