A Colorimetric Determination of Manganese In Steel

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A Colorimetric Determination of Manganese In Steel

Advanced Higher Chemistry Unit 1 PPA 2

Eilidh L Hawkins

Candidate Number 972840254

The aim of this investigation is to determine the percentage Manganese in steel through colorimetric determination.

Colorimetry is used to determine the concentrations of coloured substances in solution.  It works on the basis that a coloured substance absorbs light of a colour complementary to its own and also that the amount of light absorbed (absorbance) is proportional to the substance’s concentration.

This technique is especially suited to determining the percentage manganese in steel because manganese can be converted into permanganate ions.  Permanganate ions are coloured.  There are two stages in the conversion:  the first uses nitric acid to oxidise manganese to manganese (II) ions.

                Mn(s)                        Mn2+(aq) + 2e

The manganese (II) ions are then oxidised to permanganate ions by potassium periodate.

                Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O                MnO4-(aq) + 8H+ + 5e

To find the filter which gives maximum absorbance.  A burette was rinsed and filled with 0.0010mol/l acidified potassium permanganate, then 2cm3 of permanganate solution was run into a 50cm3 standard flask and the flask was filled to the graduation mark with deionised water, stoppered and inverted several times.  A curvette was then rinsed and filled with some of this solution.  Using a colorimeter the absorbance of the solution in the curvette was measured using each filter and the measurements obtained were recorded.  From this information a graph was then plotted and the filter, which gave maximum absorbance, was identified.  This was the filter used for the experiment.

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To obtain a calibration graph.  Again 2cm3 of permanganate solution was run into a 50cm3 standard flask and the flask was filled to the graduation mark with deionised water, stoppered and inverted several times.  A curvette was then rinsed and filled with some of this solution.  Using the colorimeter the absorbance of the solution was measured.  This result was recorded.  The above steps were repeated with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14cm3 of permanganate solution in the burette.  The results obtained were used to plot a calibration graph of absorbance against concentration of potassium permanganate.

To convert manganese ...

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