Acid and Metal Reaction Investigation

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The reaction of an acid with a metal is a good way of producing hydrogen in the laboratory. Usually a moderately reactive metal is used as this means the hydrogen doesn’t come off to quickly or slowly. Zinc is quite often chosen

e.g.    Zinc + Sulphuric acid  Zinc Sulphate + Hydrogen

The reactivity of metals with acid can cause corrosion problems where there are acidic gasses in the air. An example of an acidic gas is Sulphur dioxide. It pollutes the air in industrial areas causing acid rain. This acidity sometimes makes cars, bridges, statues etc  corrode.

All metals react the same when above hydrogen in the reactivity series, an example of an equation of this is:

Metal + Acid  Metal Salt + Hydrogen

All substances are made up of particles, reactions only occur if reacting particles collide  together, this is called the collision theory. Collisions are only successful if the collisions exceed the minimum activity energy.

You can increase the rate this reaction occurs by increasing the number of collisions per second, or increase the average force of collisions.

Some factors that will affect the rate of reaction are the temperature of the room and the solution. The higher the temperature the quicker the reaction. The concentration of the solution also affects the reaction rate as the greater the amount of acid then the greater the rate.

Another factor would be the surface area of the metal, if there was a larger amount of surface area of the metal in contact with the acid then the reaction rate would increase.

Preliminary Experiment

I used the preliminary experiment to make the following decisions.

Which Metal ?  

  • Magnesium Filings
  • Magnesium Ribbon
  • Zinc
  • Iron Filings

What concerntrations of acid to use?

To stir or not to stir

For safety in our preliminary we are using dilute sulphuric acid which is an irritant so we will be using eye protection. Also we must ensure that we wash our hands after using and be careful when measuring out any acid.

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I started my preliminary experiment by getting 30cl of dilute sulphuric acid and parts of zinc, iron filings, magnesium filings and magnesium ribbon. We dropped each metal in one by one timing how long the metal took to dissolve.


I have chosen to use magnesium ribbon because it dissolves quickly and it is easy to see dissolving. It allows us to get a good range of results and judge the time accurately.


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