Agar Diffusion Investigation

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         Page         26/04/2007

Biology Coursework



Having considered the phenomena of diffusion and osmosis I have been told to do a piece of coursework to investigate the rate of diffusion when using different concentrations of acid. I have been told to use Agar. Agar is extracted from sea weed and after dissolving in hot water it cools to form a 'solid' jelly although 99% of this is water. The agar is an inert medium that I am going to use to investigate the rate of diffusion. The agar I will be given has been made alkaline by adding a small amount of NaOH and has the indicator (phenolphthalein) incorporated which is pink in alkaline conditions. As the H+ ions from the acid diffuse in the indicator within the agar will become colourless. The acid I will be given will be 1M Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). I will be given one Petri dish of pre-prepared pink agar poured to an approximate depth of 1cm.

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It is important to remember safety whenever working in a laboratory particularly when handling corrosive solutions such as acids and bases. To this extent it is essential to always where safety goggles when doing any experiment. In order to ensure the safety of myself, and my friends I am going to take the following safety precautions during my experiment:

  • Ensure safety goggles are worn at all times during the experiment.
  • Always ensure any beakers containing HCl are kept in away from the edge of the table.
  • Always wash hands after handling corrosive materials.
  • Ensure a good ...

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This is an reasonable piece of work. The student has a clear idea of what needs to be done, however a little more attention needs to be paid to making the plan as effective as possible. 3 stars