Aim: To investigate the process of osmosis in potato cells.

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Biology Coursework Planning - Osmosis in Potatoes

Aim: To investigate the process of osmosis in potato cells.

Key factors and planning an investigation which is a fair test

The different factors which affected the process are:

* Using 2 potatoes, so tubes came from different potatoes.

* When drying the potato cylinders for excess solution, some of the tubes may have been dried more, so therefore will weigh less.

* When cutting the potato tubes, some of the cells may have been damaged.

* The potato tubes were not put in the solution at the same time, so some tubes start osmosis before other tubes making it unfair.

* The shape of the potato.

The different factors which I will be trying to keep the same are:

* Measuring the same amount of solutions in each test tube.

* Cutting the potato tubes all to the same length.

* Using all three tubes from the same potato.

* Making sure that I put all three tubes into the test tubes at the same time.

The factors which are going to be beyond my control are:

* The temperature conditions.

* The pressure of the solution

* The volume of the solution

* The surface area of the potato

Prediction & Background

I predict that the mass of the potato in a sucrose solution will decrease because water will diffuse by osmosis. However the mass of the potato in water will increase because water is moving into the potato and making the sucrose come out of it. This will balance the concentrations. The potato from a solution with more water will weigh more than one from a solution with less water because there will be more diffusion of water molecules where there is lower concentration. The water molecules can get through the partially permeable membrane because they are small and can easily move in to the potato. However, the sugar molecules are much larger and cannot therefore move out of the potato unless pushed out by water molecules. The more sucrose present in the solution, the less weight will be gained by the potato cylinder, or sometimes weight will even be lost, and that at lower sucrose concentrations, the percentage change in mass of the potato cylinders will be higher. This is because water molecules will randomly spread out, diffusing from an area of high water concentration, to an area of low water concentration. Certain cylinders will gain mass, because they will take in water through osmosis, as they are the cylinders which are placed in weak sucrose solutions, and so therefore the amount of water molecules inside the cylinder, is less than the amount around it. This is also why some cylinders lose mass, or do not gain as much as others, as they are in stronger sucrose solutions.
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Preliminary Apparatus:


How and why was it used?

One potato

I used one potato because then all the pieces would have the same amount of sucrose.

One potato borer

I used this by pushing it through the potato, which cut out thin cylinders from the potato very easily


A small, safe knife to cut small amounts off the potato cylinders. So that all the cylinders were of equal length.

Glass rod

Used for removing the potato cylinder from the potato borer, pushing it gently out from ...

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