An Experiment to determine Water Potential in Potato Tissue.

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Rikin Patel

An Experiment to determine Water Potential in Potato Tissue


Osmosis is the movement of water molecules move from a region of high water concentration (high water potential) to a region of low water concentration (low water potential). The water molecules also move through a partially permeable membrane.

Osmosis affects the shape of plant cells. When a plant cell is in a lower water potential (highly concentrated solution), water from the plant cell moves out and therefore it becomes flaccid, and this is when the cell membrane of the plant cell shrinks. When a plant cell is in a solution which has higher water potential, the water moves into the cell and therefore it becomes turgid, this is when the cell membrane expands. In both cases, it is only the cell membrane that changes its shape. The cell wall always keeps its shape. The mass of plant cells change as well. This is because water is moved into or out of the plant cell and therefore a change occurs to its mass. At equilibrium (when the solution’s water potential and the plant cell’s water potential are the same) there will be no movement of water. Therefore the shape and the mass of plant cell would stay the same.

The tendency of water molecules to move from one place to another is measured as the water potential, which is represented by the sign Ψ. It is a Greek letter for Psi. The water molecules can move because they have kinetic energy and they can move randomly. Solute molecules (molecules which dissolve into liquid to form a solution) always lower the water potential. Pure water has the highest water potential, which is 0Ψ. All the other solutions have negative water potential.  Therefore lower the water potential, the solution is more concentrated.

 Water potential is affected by two main factors:

  1. Solute potential
  2. Pressure potential.

The effect of dissolving solute molecules in pure water causes it to reduce the concentration of water molecules and therefore lowers the water potential. This means that all solutions have lower water potential than pure water. The amount of this lowering is called solute potential. The solute potential is a measure of the change in water potential because of the presence of solute molecules.

The other factor that affects the water potential is pressure potential. As the pressure increases onto pure water or a solution, its water potential increases. This is caused by the kinetic energy, which tend to move the water molecule from one place to another. Overleaf is a diagram that illustrates osmosis.

                                                                              - PPM

                                                                              - Solute molecule

                                                                              - Water molecule        


I think that as the concentration of sucrose solution increases, the mass of potato would decrease. Therefore in this experiment the water molecules would move from the solution into the potato for the weaker solutions (i.e. the solutions with molarity of 0.0 moldm-3, 0.2 moldm-3 and 0.4 moldm-3) yet for the other four solutions the water molecules will move from the potato into the solution. This will make the mass of the potato decrease.

My reason for saying this would happen is that water always moves from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration and in the case of osmosis the molecules go through a partially permeable membrane. The membrane in the potato is the plasma membrane. When the water enters the potato cell it makes it rigid, this would be described as being turgid. When water leaves or diffuses out of the potato it makes the potato flaccid. If too much water leaves the cell it shrinks and becomes plasmolysed.


There are a number of variables in this experiment:

  1. The concentration of the sucrose solution- to measure the different amounts of liquids I used a graduated pipette instead of a syringe, because it is much more accurate. This variable is a factor because the more concentrated the solution is then the amount of osmosis increases
  2. Surface area of the potato- To measure the length of the potato I used a 15-cm rule. I could have used external callipers but they would only measure on bit of the potato, whereas with the ruler you would get an average. The surface area is a variable because the larger the surface area the amount of osmosis increases.
  3. The mass of the potatoes- To measure the mass of the potato I used an electronic weighing machine. This is quite an important factor because the heavier the potato, the more cells it contains, thus more osmosis.
  4. The length of time the potatoes are in the solution- the time that the potatoes were kept in the solution was the same. This is also relatively important because the longer the piece of potato stays in the solution then the amount of osmosis is increased
  5. The temperature- if some of the solutions with the potato in them are put in the sunlight by accident, the rate of osmosis would be increased thus some of the boiling tubes would have more completely carried out osmosis.
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Preliminary Work


Preliminary work was done to get good ideas of what I should do in the real experiment. I tested three potatoes in 5 different concentration of sucrose solution.  They were 0.0 moldm-3, 0.1 moldm-3, 0.2 moldm-3, 0.4 moldm-3, 0.8 moldm-3, and 1.0 moldm-3. All the potatoes were 3 cm long and the thickness of all the potatoes were kept same by using same sized cork borer. This was to make sure that they all had similar mass. I placed the potatoes into the solution. The total amount of solution was 20  cm3, the solution covered all ...

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**** Overall a sound experimental report that demonstrates a thorough experimental approach to calculating the water potential of potato tuber cells. To improve: Planning: The candidate produced a testable hypothesis backed up some relevant biological theory although there were some inaccuracies in the explanations. It would help to include more selected background reference material to help inform the plan. This should be referenced. The readability could be improved if some of the key information was in the form of tables rather than long paragraphs of text. Carrying out: A trial experiment was used to help inform the plan and a good range of the independent variable was selected. Tables could be improved by ensuring full details are included in the headings. Analysis and Evaluation: The graph was discussed but was not included. The discussion of the results was thorough and was explained using relevant biological theory. The writer tried to explain anomalous results. The evaluation could have been improved by making the suggestions for improving the method or range of the work more specific. For example the suggestion to use more accurate equipment should have included the instruments to use for this task.