An Experiment to Investigate the Effectof the Enzyme Catalase on Hydrogen Peroxide when the Temperature is Changed.

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An Experiment to Investigate the Effect
of the Enzyme Catalase on Hydrogen Peroxide
when the Temperature is Changed.


Chemical reactions take place in all living cells. All of these reactions are enzyme-driven. Some of these reactions produce by-products. One by-product is Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). It is a poison and must be removed from the cells. The cell produces an enzyme called Catalase to break down the Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. This experiment will investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of the breaking down of Hydrogen Peroxide by Catalase. I will do this by measuring how much oxygen is produced when Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide react.

I predict that as the temperature increases, the rate of the reaction will increase. I think that when the temperature is doubled, so the reaction rate will also double. This is due to the particle theory. As the temperature rises, the particles move faster and collide more often. This gives the “lock and key” reaction more chance to occur. Therefore, as it is a temperature coefficient with a Q10 of 2, if the temperature is raised by 10ºC, the particles will move doubly fast, collide twice as often and the rate of reaction will double. There will be a point when this relationship isn't true. This will be at around 60ºC when the enzyme denatures.

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To make this a fair test, we need to keep the same all variables that could affect the outcome except for the one being tested, temperature. So the pH, amount of solutions used, concentration of solutions, apparatus etc. must all remain the same.

As my source of Catalase, I will use potato. This is easier to cut and measure than other sources such as liver, which would be hard to cut into equal pieces. The potato “chip” will be pre-warmed in a boiling tube in a water bath of each temperature for 10 minutes, as will 20cm3 of H2O2. Once the ...

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