An experiment to investigate the effects of different lengths of wire on resistance

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Neha Poshakwale

An experiment to investigate the effects of different

 lengths of wire on resistance


The aim of our experiment is to investigate how increasing the length of a wire affects the resistance in the wire. 


The collisions between electrons and atoms in a wire cause resistance. Therefore if I double the length of an identical piece of wire then the resistance should double as well. My point is explained in figure 1 by using an example experiment.  

Therefore we realise that resistance is directly proportional to the length of wire, this means that as the length doubles/increases the resistance doubles/increases as well. So I would expect a straight-line graph from my results if they are accurate, like the one shown below in figure 2:

In figure 3 we can see the amount of resistance in a wire:

Ohm's law is a mathematical formula that expresses the relationship between the electromotive force, electric current, and resistance in a circuit.  This relationship was discovered by the German physicist George Ohm, and was published in 1827.  When applied to a direct-current circuit, Ohm's law states that the electromotive force (V), measured in volts, equals the current (I) in amperes multiplied by the resistance (R) in ohms: V = IR.

Resistance is calculated by using the equation below. The SI unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω).

PD across conductor (V)

Resistance (Ω) =

Current through conductor (A)

Voltmeter is an instrument that measures the voltage (difference in potential) between two points of an electric current.  Most commercial voltmeters are galvanometers connected in series with a high resistance.  They have scales that read in volts. When the scale is marked in standard units of current, such as amperes or milliamperes, the instrument is called an ammeter or milliammeter.

There are many different factors affecting resistance, some are explained below:

  • Length - doubling the length of a wire doubles its resistance, this is because the electrons have to travel a longer distance.

Before we carried out our actual experiment, we had done a preliminary experiment, which we have used to choose the range of lengths we are going to use in our actual experiment at. Below in table 1 are the results from our preliminary work.

Table 1

From my results, we chose a range of lengths from 15cm - 45cm as it is wide and good range of lengths to use.

  • Cross-sectional area - halving the 'end on' area of a wire doubles its resistance. So a thin wire has more resistance than a thick wire.

Cross-sectional area greatly affects the magnitude of resistance. If the cross-sectional area of a conductor is increased, a greater quantity of electrons are available for movement through the conductor. Therefore, a larger current will flow for a given amount of applied voltage. An increase in current indicates that when the cross-sectional area of a conductor is increased, the resistance must have decreased. If the cross-sectional area of a conductor is decreased, the number of available electrons decreases and, for a given applied voltage, the current through the conductor decreases. A decrease in current flow indicates that when the cross-sectional area of a conductor is decreased, the resistance must have increased. Thus, the resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area.

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The diameter of conductors used in electronics is often only a fraction of an inch, therefore, the diameter is expressed in mils (thousandths of an inch). It is also standard practice to assign the unit circular mil to the cross-sectional area of the conductor. The circular mil is found by squaring the diameter when the diameter is expressed in mils. Thus, if the diameter is 35 mils (0.035 inch), the circular mil area is equal to1225 circular mils. A comparison between a square mil and a circular mil is illustrated in figure 4.


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