An experiment to investigate the effects of sucrose solution on Osmosis in potatoes chips.

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An experiment to investigate the effects of sucrose solution on Osmosis in potatoes chips.


The aim of this investigation is to see the effects of osmosis on the mass of potato chips in different concentrations of sucrose solutions.


Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to and area of low concentration through a selectively-permeable membrane. Cell membranes will allow small molecules like Oxygen, water, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, Glucose, amino-acids, etc. to pass through. Cell membranes will not allow larger molecules like Sucrose, Starch, protein, etc. to pass through.

Hypertonic solutions contain a high concentration of water on the inside of the cell so therefore water diffuses out of the cell causing it to shrink. Hypotonic solutions are when the concentration of the water surrounding the cell is higher water diffuses into the cell, making it swell up and become turgid. If done with potato cells the cells would increase in length volume and mass because of the extra water. Isotonic solutions contain the same concentration of water inside and outside the cell so therefore the cell neither losses nor gains water by osmosis.

If a plant does not get enough water, then its cells may become plasmolysed due to water leaving the vacuole. When the cell contents peel away from the cell wall, the plant wilts.



Osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a weaker solution into a stronger solution, through a partially permeable membrane. In this case, the tiny holes in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato chips, depending on the concentration gradient of the two substances. So when the water concentration is lower in the solution, the water will go inside the potato chips, and the potato chips will gain weight. And if there is a higher concentration of water in the potato chips, the water will transfer out of the potato chips in to the surrounding solution. When the concentration gradient is lower in the potato, the water will transfer from the solution to the potato. And vice versa. In the distilled water, I believe that the water is more concentrated in the potato chips, and therefore the water should transfer from the water to the potato chips, making the potato chips bigger in size, and heavier in weight. The potato chips, being surrounded by a weak solution, will be most likely to swell up and become turgid, taking in all the water it can possibly take in. With the potato chips in molar sucrose solutions, I don’t think there will be much change in the weight of the potato chips. This is because there isn’t much difference between the two substances. I think that the weight and the size of the potato won’t be changed much. The 0.4 molar sucrose solutions is similar to the 0.2 molar sucrose solutions and compared to the potato chips, both substances have very close concentration gradients. And that is why I think that the weight of the potato in this experiment should be decreased by only a little bit. The 0.6 molar sucrose solutions I think will make a big difference. Due the fact that it should be a large difference between the two concentration gradients. And therefore the weight should decrease, at least enough for us to notice. The difference between the water concentration in the potato chip and the 0.8 molar sucrose solution should be quite big, and the water in the potato chip should be transferred from the potato chip through the permeable membrane to the solution surrounding the potato chip. And as a result, I think that the weight of the potato will decrease largely. And because the potato chip is surrounded by a lower concentration of water, it will probably become smaller and shrink, making it turgid. Finally the 1.0 molar sucrose solution will decrease in mass, volume and length because the concentration gradients are big so therefore the water should transfer from the potato chip to the sucrose solution. This may cause the potato chip to become plasmolysed.  

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Fair Test:

If I am going to keep this a fair test I must keep the following the same

  • Temperature – Room Temperature
  • SIZE of potato – 5cm
  • Light intensity
  • Volume of solution potato chip is in – 20ml
  • Type of potato
  • Time left in solution – 1 hour
  • Surface area of potato chip
  • Use the same balance to measure chip
  • Same size test tube
  • Same size potato bore


To ensure safety, the boiling tubes will be kept in beakers so that they can not be knocked over. The potato chips will ...

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