an investigation about investigating various metal carbonates and hydrochloric acid such as calcium carbonate, Iron carbonate etc.

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Metal Carbonates

This coursework is based on an investigation about investigating various metal carbonates and hydrochloric acid such as calcium carbonate, Iron carbonate etc.

To insure that the test is fair I will use the same amount of hydrochloric acid in the same container. This is highly important because we need to know what hydrochloric acid does as it’s inside our body e.g. stomach.

I will try to make experiment fair, so I will have to keep all the important factors in my experiment the same such as hydrochloric acid, test tube and various metal carbonates. I will have to use the same type and amount of hydrochloric acid in the same container to keep all my measurements fair. The only factor I will have to change is the different types of metal carbonates like Calcium carbonate, Magnesium carbonate, Lead carbonate, Copper carbonate, Sodium carbonate and Iron carbonate. I also have to take precise and accurate readings. This means to use a measuring cylinder to determine the reading of the hydrochloric acid.

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I think that the higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid the faster the carbon dioxide will be given off. I predict that the most or highest metal carbonate will be Copper carbonate (CuC03). Copper carbonate will give the most amount of Carbon dioxide.


To produce and collect carbon dioxide using various metal carbonates and hydrochloric acid.


Calcium carbonate (CaC03)

Magnesium carbonate (MgC03)

Lead carbonate (PbC03)

Copper carbonate (CuC03)

Sodium carbonate (NaC03)

Iron carbonate (FeC03)

Hydrochloric acid

Measuring cylinder

Test tube

Hole stopper to fit test tube

Bowl of ...

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