An Investigation into Fresh Water Pollution in Epping Forest

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GCSE Environmental Science Coursework

An Investigation into Fresh Water Pollution in Epping Forest

Centre Name & Number: Mill Hill County high school: 12262

Candidate Name & Number:
Tejesh Patel: 1584

Contents Summary

1        Plan Sheet        3

2        Introduction        4

2.1        Topic Choice

2.2        Location

2.3        Aim

2.4        Information required

3        Method        6

3.1        Step by Step Method Description

3.2        Reasons for choice of Methods

3.3        Method Controls

3.4        Risk Assessment


4        Results        11

4.1        Table of Results

        4.2        Presentation of Results


5        Conclusion        16

5.1        Trends, patterns and anomalies        

        5.2        Conclusion of Hypotheses

6        Discussion        20

6.1        Relation to Scientific Theories

6.2        Problems & Issues

        6.3        Suggested Solutions

        6.4        People’s Attitudes and Values

7        Evaluation        26

        7.1        Observation Accuracy        

        7.2        Explanation to Anomalies

        7.3        Method Improvements

        7.4        Extensions to the Investigation

8        Bibliography and Acknowledgements        30

        8.1        Bibliography        

        8.2        Acknowledgements

9        Appendix        31

9.1        Field notes and results


2        Introduction

2.1        Topic Choice

The reason for choosing the topic “An Investigation into Fresh Water Pollution” is that in many ways we are all affected by water pollution. The issue of water pollution has been raised and plans in certain areas have been drawn up to decrease the amount of pollution in our rivers. As environmental scientists we need to learn the importance of the issue and understand the problem that relates to nutrient enrichment and organic matter pollution, which comes under section 9.14 in the syllabus.

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The locations studied are:

  • Furze Ground
  • Pyrles Brook

Both the above locations are in the Epping Forest region based in the County of Essex.

The first location studied was Furze Ground situated in a rural area, Debden Brook River, where two different areas were studied, upstream and downstream. In both studies tests were carried out,. The water was found to be clean, shallow and fast flowing. The riverbed consisted of sand and many pebbles.

Furze Ground is also used for recreational activities such as dog walking. The surrounding area consists of trees, fern, bracken, moss and ...

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