An investigation into how changing one variable influences the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid.

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Ross Bowden Chemistry SC1

An investigation into how changing one variable influences the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid.

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)              CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2


  1. List of variables which could affect the rate of reaction

  • Temperature: - Temperature will affect the rate of reaction because the higher the temperature of the solution of hydrochloric acid, water and marble chips, the more kinetic energy the presents particles will have and they will therefore collide with one another more and more successfully.
  • Mass of Marble Chips: - The mass of the marble chips could affect the rate of reaction because on average, if you increase the mass of the marble chips, you increase the amount of chips in there and will therefore increase the surface area of the present chips. An increased surface area could affect the rate of reaction because if the surface area is increased, the solution of hydrochloric acid and water will have more area to work on and would therefore have more reactions more quickly thereby increasing the rate of reaction.
  • Concentration of solution: - The concentration of the solution of distilled water and hydrochloric acid will affect the rate of reaction because the higher the concentration, the faster the rate of reaction because they are directly proportional to each other. If you double the strength of the solution, the rate of reaction will double.

  1. A list of variables I will attempt to keep constant.

  • I will attempt to keep the temperature constant by doing my experiment in the same area and doing all the experiments at a certain time of day so there will not be many or any temperature fluctuations. I made sure of this by keeping a thermometer present at all times to check whether there were any temperature fluctuations.
  • I will try to keep the surface area of the marble chips constant in every experiment by keeping the mass of the marble chips constant in every experiment. The surface area of the marble chips plays a great part in this experiment and when you select your chips there might be some powder on them that must be removed. This is done by washing the chips in hydrochloric acid and then rinsing them in water to stop them reacting. I then kept my cleaned chips separate from the others that were not cleaned to avoid any dust or power being transferred onto the clean chips.

  1. The variable which I have decided to investigate

  • I have decided to investigate the affect on the rate of reaction when changing the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. I will vary the molarity of the acid by diluting it with distilled water. I will see how long it will take to collect 20cm³ of CO2.
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  1. Preliminary work

For my preliminary work, I have decided to investigate whether or not to keep the same marble chips after every experiment or replace them with new ones. I decided to use 3 grams of marble chips because anything over 3 grams seems too much and any thing under seems too little. I discovered that after every experiment, the mass of the marble chips decreased as they were reacting with the acid and therefore their surface area decreased so the next experiment took longer to produce the same amount of gas.

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