An investigation into how the length and thickness of a wire affects its resistance.

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An investigation into how the length and thickness of a wire affects its resistance.


To investigate how two variables, length and resistance affect resistance in a wire.

Background Information

Electricity is a form of energy caused by charged particles. An electric current is a flow of electrons. Electricity can only travel if there is a complete circuit. A power source is needed to give energy to these particles so that they can flow. Cells and batteries act as charge pumps; if several cells are connected they produce a high current. The more cells connected the more charge is produced. The size of a current is the rate at which a charge is flowing and it’s measured in amps with an ammeter. Charges are given energy as they pass through a cell or battery. The higher the voltage of the cell or battery, the greater the amount of energy that is given to the electrons. You can measure the energy given by a cell or battery by using a voltmeter. A voltmeter may be connected around any component that is connected to a circuit.

Resistance is a force which opposes the flow of electrons around a circuit so that energy is required to push the electrons around the circuit.

Resistance is measured in Ohms. George Ohm revealed that the electro-magnetic field of a circuit is directly proportional to the current flowing through the circuit. He also discovered that circuits some time resist the flow of electricity, he named this force resistance. His rule for working out the resistance is:

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The following factors influence the resistance of a wire:

Thickness of the wire – the wire is similar to a corridor in a busy place and the electrons flowing through the wire are similar to the people going through the corridor. If the corridor was narrow the people would find it harder to get from one end of the corridor to the other, however if the corridor was wide the people would have more space and therefore find it easier to go through the corridor. The electrons move through the wire at ...

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