An investigation into the effects of different concentrations of lead chloride on the growth of plants, (cress).

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A2 Biology coursework

Skill P: Planning

Title: An investigation into the effects of different concentrations of lead chloride on the growth of plants, (cress).

Aim: To find out how changing different concentrations of a heavy metal chloride, namely lead chloride, affects the growth of cress seeds.

Background information:

Lead is a grey metal, derived from ore-bearing minerals. Heavy metals compounds, such as lead chloride are able to dissolve in rain and enter the soil surrounding the plants. Lead is largely emitted into the atmosphere in a gaseous state through emissions of vehicles using fuel that contains lead. Other sources include additives in gasoline and paints, fertilisers and mining.

For plants, lead is a toxin and when present in large amounts it can cause severe decreases in their growth. Symptoms include stunted growth and the yellowing of plants (called chlorosis). Heavy metals collect in different organs of a plant and produce variable effects. Lead disrupts the plant’s plasma membrane structure as well as permeability (proteins in the membrane), osmotic balance (the intake of water and ions) and indirectly, plant metabolism (the availability of nutrients for chemical reactions.) I will go into detail about these factors further on.

        The first set of proteins to come in contact with the minerals and ions in the surrounding soil and are involved in the transport of micronutrients such as iron are called chelates. This is a protein carried by the root cell.

Lead has a high affinity for sulphur, and as sulphur is present in the chelate molecule, lead binds with the sulphur and causes the inhibition of iron transport.

 This means that there is a deficiency of iron therefore slowing down all reactions, which mean there is a lack in chrophyll formation, which can lead to chlorosis, which is the decolourisation of the leaves. This therefore leads to a decrease in light absorption, less glucose made, and decreasing in photosynthesis meaning the plant may eventually die.

 For lead to be transported from the soil to the root cells, it must cross the cell membranes of the root cells. Lead is able to cross the cell membranes via voltage-gated calcium channels. These channels are for the transport of calcium. Lead blocks these channels and causes the inhibition of their activity, preventing calcium being transported.

        For photosynthesis to occur plants require water. When lead is present in high concentrations in soil, it decreases the water potential of the soil. It therefore, has a lower water potential than the root cells, causing water to move from a region of higher water potential (root cells) to a region of lower water potential (soil), via osmosis (Biology 1, OCR, pg 56).

This disrupts the osmotic balance of the plants and prevents sufficient amounts of water entering the cells.

        Both photosynthesis and respiration require all types of enzymes, and some of these may be affected by lead chloride, therefore inhibiting both processes.

The process of photosynthesis is  affected by heavy metals in a negative way. Lead inhibits photosynthetic enzymes (involved in the Calvin cycle such as ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase) and is highly effective at inhibiting ATPase – an enzyme required in the production of ATP in photosynthesis (and respiration). It also disrupts the chloroplasts and, reduces the production of chlorophyll and carotenoids, interrupts the electron transport chain and causes the closure of stomata which results in a lack of carbon dioxide. Many features of photosynthesis are therefore affected.

        Many chemical reactions occur in living organisms. In plants, the uptake of lead affects the functioning of enzymes.

 Enzymes are protein molecules which contain amino acids which may contain cysteine. A component of cysteine includes sulphur and as lead has a high affinity for this element, it is immediately attracted to the bonding between molecules of cysteine called disulphide bridges. This causes them to break, therefore altering the tertiary structure of the protein which thus changes the shape of the enzyme, and its active sites. This means no enzyme-substrate can form therefore the enzymes no longer play a role in that particular reaction

It can be seen that lead has many adverse effects on the growth of plants. This investigation will examine exactly how different concentrations of lead chloride will affect the growth of cress seedlings.

Prediction: I predict that as the concentration of lead chloride increases, the growth of the cress seeds will decrease. The lead chloride will inhibit the growth of the cress seeds.

Preliminary Experiment: Preliminary work was carried out, so when the final experiment is carried out, the best results are able to be obtained.

The aim of the preliminary work was to find out:

  1. Which medium cress seeds grow best in.
  2. The method in which to distribute the cress seed, on the most effective medium, to obtain maximum growth.
  3. The range of concentrations of lead chloride to use in the experiment, which will allow enough growth of the cress seeds in order to produce measurable results.

 The test was also carried out to see if the heavy metal chloride really has an adverse effect on the growth of plants.

Test 1-

To find a medium in which cress seeds will grow most well in.

This test was carried out to see which medium the cress seeds grew most effectively in. A stable environment was needed and a number of different mediums were considered in which the cress seeds could be grown in. These included cotton wool, cotton face pads, filter paper, and soil.

Soil was not used as a test medium because of its inconsistent composition, and not being homogenous.

The mineral and nutrient content in the soil may not be uniform which would prevent a fair test from being carried out, as some seeds would be in surroundings with higher nutrient content than others in lower nutrient content environments. Since lead chloride is being investigated in this experiment, it is also best to have no other heavy metal ions involved which may be present in the soil. Therefore the three mediums chosen were filter paper, cotton wool, and cotton face pads, as all three were homogenous.

Here is a basic method illustrating how this test was carried out.

  1. Position a layer of each medium into separate petri dishes.                        Use two layers of filter paper or else it will not soak up enough water. Label each petri dish with its equivalent medium.
  2. Measure 15ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder and carefully pour into each petri dish, covering as much of the medium.
  3. Using tweezers, place 25 cress seeds carefully on each medium, spacing them apart equally.
  4. Place each petri dish into a separate polythene bag and fill with some air. Tie the bag and allow the cress seeds to grow for 5 days in an area with lots of sunlight .(To get the air in the bag prior to placing the dish in, sway the bag in the air back and fourth)
  5. After 5 days, measure the length of the shoot (starting from the seed and not including the root) of each cress seed in all three petri dishes. Use a ruler to do this, measuring in millimetres.
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On the next page is a table illustrating the results of this experiment.

The shoot lengths of all 25 cress seeds in each medium were measured. The length of the roots was not measured because the roots were found to be entwined around each other in at least one petri dish. An average length of shoot of cress seeds was calculated for each medium by adding up all 25 lengths and dividing the result by 25 (which is the number of seeds planted (see appendix for calculations)

A table to ...

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