An Investigation into the elastic properties of different thickness of elastic bands

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An Investigation into the elastic properties of different thickness of elastic bands.


Aim: the aim of this experiment is to find out what effect that different thickness’ of elastic bands has to the amount they stretch under a series of different weights. To test this I shall use different thickness’ of elastic band that are all the same length.. The final adjustment I shall make is to measure the thickest band with greater weights as well. This will show the effect of weight and its relation to the amount the band stretches.


According to hook’s law the expansion of a spring is proportional to the weight it supports. If the same applies to the rubber band it to should increase in the amount it has expanded when a greater weight is applied. I therefore am able to predict that although not all the time the band will expand at the same rate as the amount of weight applied. However elastic bands are not quite as elastic as springs and so I do not expect this to be completely true. I also expect that the thicker the band the greater the weight will be required to stretch the band at the same rate. This entire put together should mean that as the pull on the bands is increased so the amount they stretch is. This should also mean that the amount they increase by should be smaller the thicker the band is. (E.g. the thinnest band might increase by 3cm for each extra Newton, the second thickest might increase by 2 cm and the thickest might increase by just 1cm. this would be up to a point where the bands would increase quicker. This point would be a greater force for each of the thicker bands with the thickest band needing the greatest pull before this occurred.)

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The 2 things I am going to change (on purpose) is the thickness of the band and the amount of force pulling on the band. I will only change one variable at a time. The fact that I shall have to do it over two days could affect the temperature of the band and this could have a direct effect on the results of the elastitisity band. I shall however use the same equipment for the experiment. The person who looks at the elastic band shall be the same all the time. ...

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