An investigation into the factors that affect the rate of reactions.

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An investigation into the factors that affect the rate of reactions


My aim is to find out how concentration affects the rate of the reaction between the compound calcium carbonate (in the form of marble chips) and the solution hydrochloric acid.

Variable selected

During the experiment I am going to change the concentration of the hydrochloric acid by adding water at varied ratios.

Variables kept constant

For the experiment I am going to keep the mass of marble chips constant and attempt also to keep the surface area of the marble chips constant (by picking ones that look similar and are roughly the same size, shape and mass). I am also hoping to keep the time I am allowing the reactants to react constant, the temperature constant and the pressure within the conical flask constant.


After studying reaction rates I predict that by doubling the concentration of the acid during the experiment the rate of reaction will double therefore I predict that concentration and rate of reaction are directly proportional. This is due to the increase of hydrochloric acid particles, which makes it more likely for the particles to react with the calcium carbonate particles. This means there will be an increase in the number of collisions, which in result increase the reaction rate and also the production of carbon dioxide. From my results from the preliminary I can predict that the concentration and the reaction rate is directly proportional until the hydrochloric acid runs out of reactant.

Background information

 Kinetic Theory

This theory describes the physical properties of matter in terms of the behaviour of its component atoms or molecules. The temperature of a substance is dependent on the velocity of movement of its constituent particles, increased temperature being accompanied by increased movement. A gas consists of rapidly moving atoms or molecules and, according to the kinetic theory it is their continual impact on the walls of the containing vessel that accounts for the pressure of the gas. The slowing of motion as temperature falls accounts for the physical properties of liquids and solids.

A calcium carbonate reaction

The hydrochloric acid will react with the calcium carbonate to form calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide.

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Below is the formula for the reaction

CaCO3 +2HCl        CaCl2 + H2O +CO2  

The collision theory

The collision theory simply states two things are needed for a reaction to take place:

  1. Particles must collide before they can react.
  2. The colliding particles must, between them, have enough energy to cause bonds to break.

The collision theory therefore leads us to the following statements:

  • Higher concentration means a larger number of particles in a volume. If there are more particles, ...

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