An Investigation into the rate of osmosis in Potato Chips

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Created by Antony Thambiah        -  -

An Investigation into the rate of osmosis in Potato Chips


To investigate the effect of osmosis, when potato chips are put into salt solutions of varying concentrations.

Background Information:

Osmosis: is the movement of particles from an area of higher water potential through a semi-permeable membrane.

Semi-Permeable Membrane: is like a net. It only lets smaller particles go through and “filters” bigger particles.

Plant cells have a strong cell wall surrounding them. When they take up water by osmosis they start to swell, but the cell wall prevents them from bursting. The cell wall is made of a very tough material known as cellulose. Plant cells become “turgid”, when they are put in dilute solutions. Turgid means swollen or hard and is very important for plants because it makes 6the green parts of the plant “stand up” into the sunlight. Pressure rises inside the cell and eventually the pressure inside the cell is so high that no more water can enter the cell. This pressure works against osmosis.

When plant cells are submerged in concentrated solution, they lose water by osmosis and become “flaccid”. When plant cells lose more water than they take up the cells become flaccid and this causes the plant to wilt.

In extreme cases the solution that a plant cell is placed in, is so concentrated that the cell lose so much water, and the cell membrane starts to break away from the cell wall. When this happens it is described by a process known as plasmolysis.

When cells are placed in a solution, which has exactly the same concentration as the cells, and they are in a state between turgidity and flaccidity, the cells are said to have reached their isotonic point. There is the same concentration of water inside the plant cell and in the solution.

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The tiny holes in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato. The speed at which osmosis occurs depends on the concentration gradient of the two substances in the solution.

So, when the water concentration is lower in the potato cell, the water will go inside the potato cell, and the potato will gain weight. If there is higher concentration of water in the potato, water will go out of the potato and into the solution through the semi-permeable membrane. If there is ...

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