An investigation into what effect a sugar solution has on the mass of potato tissue

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An investigation into what effect a sugar solution has on the mass of potato tissue


        I am trying to find out what affect a sugar solution has on the mass of potato tissue. Hopefully, as I do the experiment I will see osmosis in action. Osmosis is when nature tries to keep things in balance with each other by allowing water alone to pass through a semi-permeable membrane. When there is a higher concentration of water on one side of the membrane then osmosis takes place. This means there is a concentration gradient of water. Osmosis is a type of diffusion.

Variables and Fair Testing

        The only variable I will be investigating is the concentration of the sugar solution. I need to make sure that all the other variables are kept the same to make sure it is a fair test.

  • Mass of potato

        I must make sure that I keep each mass of potato to the nearest gram so as to make sure there is no more water in it that there is in the others. If the mass is bigger and there is more water in the potato this would make my test unfair and upset my results. This is one of the most important variables. To ensure it is a fair test I will cut the potatoes evenly and make sure they are the same length to the nearest millimeter.

  • Type of potato

        We must make sure we use the same type of potato as some potatoes could contain more water than other kinds, which could lead me to getting the wrong results.

  • Amount of solution

        This also is very important that I make sure all the solutions are the same amount so that each potato goes in, in the same conditions as the others. Therefore I will measure the solutions very carefully and accurately. If the volume of solution is higher or lower than the other then this may affect the pattern of results later on.

  • Temperature of solution

        I will keep the temperature at a constant all the way through the experiment so that this cannot bias my results. The temperature will be of room temperature. If the temperature changes then osmosis could happen more quickly or slowly in the same amount of time. This could lead me to the wrong conclusion.

  • Time taken in solution

        The potatoes will all be in the solution for exactly the same amount of time so it is fair. If a potato is in the solution for longer than the others there will be more time for osmosis to happen and this will affect the weight of the potato. Therefore my results will be inaccurate.


  • Cork borer (to get an even shape for all potatoes)
  • Knife (for cutting potatoes to same length)
  • Cutting Tile (for keeping my area clean and not damaging my surface)
  • Stop clock (for timing the experiment)
  • 25ml measuring cylinder (for measuring solutions)
  • Water (part of experiment)
  • Sucrose (part of experiment)
  • Potato (part of experiment)
  • Balance (to weigh the potatoes)
  • Five Test tubes (to carry out the experiment in)
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Plan of Procedure

        First of all I will bore out a cylinder of potato and cut it to 15mm. The diameter of the potato will be 6mm. Next I will measure each potato to make sure they are the same length with each other. I must make sure that each piece of potato is precisely the same length and, more importantly, weight so that my results are not inaccurate. If the potatoes are different weights then there could be more water in them. This would mean that in high concentration sugar solution the concentration gradient would be outside the ...

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