An Investigation to see what factors will affect the rate of an enzyme.

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Biology Coursework

An Investigation to see what factors will affect the rate of an enzyme.

Section 1



Enzymes exist in all living things.  They are composed of amino acid, polymers, carbohydrases etc. and are produced in living cells.  A cell contains hundreds of enzymes that break down different things.  Most people think enzymes are only digestive enzymes but there are many other different enzymes, for example, catalase, which is the enzyme I will be studying for my experiment.  Catalase is an enzyme found in food such as potato and liver.  It is used for removing hydrogen peroxide from the cells.  Catalase speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.  It is able to speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide because of the bonds of the hydrogen peroxide molecule.  This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction.  Hydrogen peroxide can be lethal in a human body if it builds up.  When catalase reacts with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen and water are produced.  These can be used in the body.  The formula for this is:



Hydrogen peroxide                                   oxygen + water

Hydrogen peroxide = Water + Oxygen
2O2                2H2O      O2

The investigation

I have been asked to investigate the factors that can affect the rate of an enzyme.  I think a number of things can affect the rate:

  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • pH
  • Concentration of hydrogen peroxide
  • Concentration of Catalase

Enzymes are specific.  This means they only control one type of reaction; therefore, I must use one specific enzyme in my experiment.  All enzymes are all globular proteins and are all biological catalysts, they increase the rate of a given reaction without being used up, and their presence does not change the nature of the reaction or the product.  Enzymes work by having an active site, made from amino acids.  Here, substrate molecules will bind with the enzyme and a reaction takes place.  The enzyme itself however, is not affected and releases the new chemical after the reaction.  After the release of the end product, more substrate molecules can bind with the active site.  

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In this investigation, I intend to explore one of the factors that affect the rate of enzyme catalysis.  After research and careful consideration, I have decided to first look at how a change in concentration could affect the rate of reaction.  In order to design a suitable experiment and make a credible prediction, I must first explore more closely how the concentration is likely to affect the rate of catalysis.


The concentration is how much of catalase or hydrogen peroxide there is.  If there is a greater concentration of enzyme, there is a greater ...

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