Analysis of anaemia.

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Anaemia is a condition resulting from below- normal levels of haemoglobin  in the red blood cells. Haemoglobin in the blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to the rest of the body.

Anaemia may be due to loss of blood from heavy menstrual periods, from internal bleeding caused by a peptic ulcer, or from haemorrhoids. A healthy person whose diet contains plenty of iron and vitamins can produce large amounts of new blood. However, if your diet is inadequate, even small, persistent losses of blood may cause anaemia.

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There are several kinds of anemia. Iron-deficiency anaemia can develop in those who do not have enough iron, which is an essential ingredient of haemoglobin. Lack of Vitamin B-12 or folic acid can result in Vitamin B-12 deficient anaemia and folic acid deficient anaemia. Hemolytic anaemia occurs when red blood cells are destroyed more quickly than they can be replaced.

The symptoms of anaemia include fatigue, weakness, fainting, breathlessness, and heart palpitations.

Aplastic anaemia is a rare disease which affects mostly young men. 2 to 6 people per million worldwide develop this disorder annually but it affects ...

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Punctuation, grammar and spelling are all done to a very high level. The candidate communicates clearly and concisely with clear paragraphing and structure behind the analysis.

The candidate provides concise and clear analysis of the different types and causes of anaemia. The candidate should also consider further the different causes of the different types of anaemia as some of the facts they state need to be explained more. Such as haemolytic anaemia is normally an autoimmune disease but can be caused by different factors. The different types of acquired and inherited anaemias are explained well. The candidate also explains the different treatments to a high standard. The introduction is good and outlines what anaemia is before delving into the different types.

The response to the question is done very well for gcse standard. To improve the candidate should have gone into greater depth to explain the causes behind the different types of anaemia as the explanations they provided as very basic. Overall, a very good clear essay which includes the causes, symptoms and treatment of anaemia.