Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria- 750 words Essay


In the past several decades or so, antibiotics use has been crucial in the battle against infectious sickness caused bacteria and other microorganisms. Many diseases that once killed people can now be now treated effectively with antibiotics. Antibiotics caused a dramatic rise in the average life expectancy. However, disease-causing microbes that have become resistant to antibiotic drugs are an increasing public health problem. Wound infections, tuberculosis, septicemia and childhood ear infections are some of the few diseases that have become hard to treat with antibiotics. One part of the problem is those bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections developing several ways to resist antibiotics. Vaccines are also very helpful in the processes because they very effective. Vaccines are the reason small pox has been extinct and only two of them are kept: one in USA and one in Russia. Some organisms are resistant to all antibiotics and can be only treated with experimental or potentially toxic drugs. There is an alarming increase in the amount of resistant bacteria’s, especially in the staphylococci and pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae), which are common causes of disease and death.

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What happened before antibiotics where invented? And who invented them?

Before antibiotics were invented there use to be no cure for many diseases and many people died because of this reason. It was not until 1940 when the first safe and used antibiotic was invented called “Penicillin” Alexander flaming was the one who invented it. It cured many soldier in the Second World War and he won 25 honorary degrees, metals, 18 prizes and a membership in 87 scientific academies and societies. He also received the Nobel Prize in 1945.

How bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?


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This is a well structured and well written report. 1. The use of subheadings is good. 2. The use of examples is good. 3. The sources of information need to be referenced. ****