As part of my AS physics coursework I went on a trip to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The purpose of this trip was to find out the physics involved in Hospital equipment, which is used on patients

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As part of my AS physics coursework I went on a trip to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The purpose of this trip was to find out the physics involved in Hospital equipment, which is used on patients. I learnt about three different areas where physics is involved. I learnt how physics is involved in Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Ultra Sound. I will discuss briefly about how physics is used in Nuclear Medicine and I will discuss in greater detail how physics is involved in Ultra Sound.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear physics involves looking at the nucleus of an atom. It involves injecting a highly radioactive material into the body and allowing it to decay. There are positives and negatives in this because nuclear medicine can be used for diagnosis, which can determine functions of an organ or can for simple therapy. On the other hand though radioactive materials are not good for you and so if diseased tissue comes in contact with you then it can cause problems. Using radioactive sources can kill of tumours though. It travels only shallowly into the body and can kill of all the cancerous cells. The unfortunate thing is that it can also kill of healthy tissue.

What Is Ultra Sound?

Ultra sound is sound with a frequency of over 20,000 Hz, which is a very high limit of human hearing. So therefore humans have a lower limit of hearing and so cannot hear ultrasound.

Ultra Sound examinations are second to X-Rays. Ultra Sound examinations involve a transducer being coupled to the skin by a jelly. The jelly stops ultra sonic waves passing through air and scattering onto the skin. The waves are passed through the tissue and are then passed from various parts of the body. Then the waves are received back at different time intervals, which therefore determine depths.

Ultra sound can be used on pregnant women using the procedure mentioned above. Below is an example of an ultra sound image of a fetus.

Image of a fetus where the head is on the right hand side

Other Medical Areas Where Ultra Sound Can Be Used

Ultra sound can be used to monitor motion of interferences in the body like for e.g. the beating of the heart or the blood flow of the arteries.

Ultrasonic are used for the treatment of kidney stones. When you cross two ultrasound beams at the stone a shock wave is propagated that shatters the stone into tiny pieces that are passed in the urine and so future surgeries to cure this problem can be avoided.

Different Types of UltraSounds

Doppler ultrasound-is used for assessing and monitoring the well being of the fetus. It is also widely used to detect cardiac pulsations in various fetal blood vessels. The fetal pulse detector is called a Doptone but it uses the same principles as the Doppler when detecting fetal heartbeats.

Different Types of UltraSound Scans

Obstetric-is the use of ultrasound scans in pregnancy. Scanners can capture pictures of moving fetus on a monitor screen. High levels of frequency of sound waves between 3.5-7.0 megahertz are used to capture these pictures. They are emitted from a transducer, which is placed in contact with the abdomen and is moved to look at any particular content of the uterus. Information obtained from different reflections is recomposed back into the picture on the monitor screen. Movements such as fetal heartbeat can be assessed and also measurements can be made

More accurate on the images displayed.

This is a transducer probe on the abdomen which gives picture of the moving fetus

Transvaginal Scans-Ultrasound scanning can be done with a specially designed probe, which is placed into the vagina. This provides a better image in people who are in early pregnancy. Vaginal scans are becoming indispensable in the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies and so fetal abnormalities are easily being diagnosed using a vaginal scan.

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Why and When Is UltraSound used In Pregnancy?

Ultrasound is considered to be safe and an accurate investigation into the fetus. Diagnosis can be spotted early and confirmation of early pregnancy. Ultrasound can observe and measure the embryo and find the exact date of pregnancy. A visible heartbeat can be seen and detectable by pulsed Doppler ultrasound by about 6weeks. Missed abortions and will usually give pictures of an absence of fetal poles or heartbeat.  Fetal body measurements are made to identify the gestational age of the fetus.

The Following Measurements Are Usually Made:

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To what extent does the writer show appropriate analytical skills for this level of qualification? Have they made evaluative judgements using suitable evidence? Have these examples been developed throughout the response and has an appropriate conclusion been reached? Throughout the response, the writer has written concisely providing information on defining the different methods used such as the Doppler Ultrasound, the measurements made, how its carried out and the safety of it to the patient. However at times, the level of detail is more of a GCSE standard rather than a piece of A level coursework. Although there are critical evaluative judgements of benefits and risks of the medical therapy, evidence is not provided to support their claim. The summary at the end of each section is wonderful; portrays the student not only has knowledge about the response but also can summarise it concisely. Is the writing accurate in terms of spelling, grammar and punctuation? Has the writer used technical terms expected at this level of qualification? To what extent does the writer follow conventions and expectations for written work at this level? The use of technical terms is well done; most of the scientifical terms used is defined and explained. The use of spelling, grammar and punctuation is good and meets the requirements of what is expected at A level. The student has structured it well but there are many sentences by its self in a paragraph that could've been added to another paragraph to make it easier to follow. The conclusion reflects what effect the trip had on the student but the phrase 'the enemy is your friend' is unnecessary I think.

To what extent has the student answered the set question? How explicit is their response? This response is coherent and well structured explaining the physics involved in hospital equipment, showing that they clearly understand the areas and they are able assess the benefits and risks of it each therapy used in medicine such as adverse side effects of radiation therapy. The student displays good evaluation of the ultrasound and radiation therapy by refering to their significance in hospitals, what patients experience, role in the future and practicality. However in the development of the future section towards the end, the student could briefly define the conjenital anomalies mentioned such as spina bifida and also mention any sources in a bibliography so we know its not just copied directly from a source. The statistics used must be referenced so that the student can assess how reliable the data is.