Bacterial Leaching of Copper and Gold

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Bacterial Leaching of Copper and Gold

Background Information

Bioleaching is the extraction of certain metals from their ores through the use of bacteria. Traditional extractions involve many expensive processes such as smelting and roasting, which requires adequate amount of concentration in its ore. The low concentration is not a problem for the bacteria as it ignores the waste product that surrounds the metal. The micro-organisms gain energy from breaking down the minerals into their constituent elements.


The extraction of copper involves two types of bacteria, Thiobacillus fero-oxidans (pictured) and Thiobacillus thio-oxidans.

Stage 1

The bacteria catalyse the break down of the mineral arsenopyrite FeAsS (picutred) by oxidising the sulfur and metal arsenic to higher oxidation states, which simply means that the sulfur and arsenic (loose electrons thus making them positive ions), whilst reducing oxygen (this is the gain of electrons by an atom) by H2 and Fe3+. This allows soluble products to dissolve.

FeAsS(s) -> Fe2+(aq) + As3+(aq) + S6+(aq) 

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This Process ocurs at the cell membrane of the bacteria. The electrons pass into the cells and are used in biochemical processes to produce energy for the bacteria in order to reduce the oxygen in water.

Stage 2

The bacteria then oxidise the Fe2+ to Fe3+ (whilst reducing the oxygen).

                                                   Fe2+ -> Fe3+

The bacteria then oxideses the metal to a higher oxidation state. With the electrons they gain from that (as the metals loose electrons from ...

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There has been good research that has gone into writing this report. However there is a concern about plagiarism. 1. Researched information needs to be rewritten to be included. 2. The sources of information need to be referenced. 3. There needs to be a conclusion to summarize the findings of the research. ***