Basically, x-rays are like visible light rays. In practice, x-rays expose body patients' organs and structures, so doctors can diagnose the illness faster. However, x-rays

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Name: Nguyen Vu Thanh Thu                Date: 23/02/2006

Assessment Event 2: Case Study Investigation

  1. Definition

X-rays or Roentgen rays are one of the most important inventions that have changed the medical practice. X-rays are wavelike forms of electromagnetic energy or electromagnetic radiation (Harris, 2000). Basically, x-rays are like visible light rays. In practice, x-rays expose body patients’ organs and structures, so doctors can diagnose the illness faster. However, x-rays are also harmful to the frequently exposed body. Hence, doctors wear a lead protection clothes when taking x-rays photos.

  1. History

There were many researchers in x-rays such as Heinrich Hertz, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, but x-rays’ father was Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German physicist. The x-rays were invented by accident when Roentgen was experimenting with vacuum tubes. On November, 1895, Roentgen was working on a cathode ray generator that was projecting through a glass vacuum tube; then, he noticed a faint green light against the wall. Roentgen realised that the cathode rays travelled through many objects on his desk, examples, paper, books and wood. So, he put more objects in front of the generator and saw his hand’s bones displayed on the fluorescent screen. Roentgen kept working for 2 months before published a report: “On a New Kind of Ray: A Preliminary Communication” on December, 1895.

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  1. Science Organisation

X-rays are physics and a branch of radiation; x-ray is the study of cathode rays and waves. Physics is the study of matters, forces, energy and interactions between objects. According to Wikipedia (2005), physics discovered the applications of natural sciences. Physics is also called “The Fundamental Science”, because other sciences (biology, chemistry etc.) have to obey the law of physics.

  1. Knowledge

The x-ray is different from normal visible light because of its energy level of the individual photons. Photons are produced by electrons, which are occupied different energy level or orbitals in ...

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Their quality of written communication isn't particularly good - for example they say 'when a normal light hits an atom', suggesting that the work hasn't been well proof-read. They also don't use many technical terms. However, the subtitles make it easy to understand the topic of each paragraph, and their grammar is mostly correct.

They don't appear to have understood several of the statements they have made, for example, they say 'X-rays were invented', when they always existed, but had been discovered. They also tend to make seemingly random statements such as 'physics discovered the applications of natural sciences', which simply doesn't make sense! However, they have made a good attempt at describing radiation's effect on atoms and have mentioned the possibility of radiation sickness, showing some broader knowledge of the topic.

The author has made an attempt to describe x-rays, but clearly don't fully understand the topic. They haven't gone into a lot of detail, and jump from topic to topic.