Biological importance of water

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Biological importance of water

    Water can be  argued to be the substance which brings life to a planet, however it’s only use is not just as a hydration method for a dehydrated person. It has many uses and properties, just a few include being a solvent, cooling mechanism, sweating and surface tension, these are just a few which will be looked into more depth.

    Water seems to be a very simple molecule consisting of just two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, both of the hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom, therefore making it one of the simplest molecules known. However its uses out numbers the majority of other molecules greatly. Water is a V-shaped molecule with the molecular formula H2O. in liquid state 80% of the electrons are involved with the covalent bonding, the three atoms do not stay together as the hydrogen atoms are constantly switching between water molecules, acids and bases act as a catalyst in this reaction and the reaction is at its slowest at pH 7 that’s why we call pH 7 neutral and is the safest to drink it at. However water is still considered a permanent structure as the reactions happen in less than a millisecond.

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    Water is a very good solvent nevertheless not all things dissolve in it, it is the structure of it which makes it a  good solvent, the electrons are not evenly distributed in H2O as in many other molecules, as more electrons are grouped at one end, it makes one end slightly more negatively charged ands the other slightly more positively charged, so water is said to be called polar so it attracts other polar substances. This explains its high melting

and boiling points, high surface tension, and why it expands when frozen. Many non-polar substances are made ...

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