Biology Coursework : Rate of Photosynthesis

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Biology Coursework : Rate of Photosynthesis


To investigate a factor that affects the rate of photosynthesis.


A piece of pond weed will be cut and placed into a beaker containing water and sodium hydrogen carbonate. A lamp will be shined on to the pond weed and the amount of bubbles released from the plant will be counted for 1 minute. The lamp will be adjusted to different distances from the plant to try and obtain different results.


In Previous experiments leading up to this one, we have seen that plants are able to photosynthesis better when there is plenty of light. As long as there are no other limiting factors this should be true. When chlorophyll absorbs light energy, the light energy cannot be immediately used for energy conversion. Instead the light energy is transferred to a special protein environment where energy conversion occurs. This happens by using the energy of a photon to transfer electrons from a chlorophyll pigment to the next. When enough light energy has been harnessed at a reaction centre, ATP can be synthesized from ADP. During this reaction, oxygen is produced as a by-product and it is the oxygen bubbles that are being measured in the experiment. The greater the light intensity, the more light energy that can be transferred and harnessed to fuel reaction in photosynthesis.


Photosynthesis Equation:

6CO2 + 6H2O light energy & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2


Experimental Variable- Light intensity is to be the variable explored in this investigation. Light intensity can be varied by increasing or decreasing the distance from the light source to the plant.

Fixed Variables

Light Wavelength (colour)- pigments in the leaf such as chlorophyll absorb Light energy. Chlorophyll easily absorbs blue light, in the 400-450 nm range, and also easily absorbs red light in the 650-700 nm range. Chlorophyll does not absorb green light or yellow light effectively but tends to reflect them, decreasing the amount of light absorbed and decreasing the rate of photosynthesis. Why the rate of photosynthesis increases or decreased from the amount of light energy absorbed is what is being investigated in this experiment. The light colour can be fixed by using the same lamp throughout the experiment.
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Carbon Dioxide- CO2 concentration can affect the rate of photosynthesis since the more CO2 in the air, the more CO2 that can diffuse into the leaf. This variable can be fixed by adding a fixed amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate to the beaker and plant. Ideally the experiment should also be completed in one session and under two hours so the plant does not use up a significant percentage of the CO2.

Water- Water is required in the photosynthetic reaction. When plants lack water, their stomata close to prevent further water loss. At the same time, closing ...

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This is an average write up which contains good background information on photosynthesis and limiting factors. There are no results or graph included so it is difficult to establish whether the conclusion is reliable. 3 stars.