Biology Lab Report. Does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?

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To investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis

Research question:

Does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?


Theoretically plants need light to undergo photosynthesis. At low light intensities, there is a shortage of the product of the light-dependent reactions. There fore if the light intensity is low, the rate of reaction will also be low.

The hypothesis is that the rate of photosynthesis increases with the increasing light intensity and decrease with the decreasing light intensity.


Independent                : distance between the source of light and the pond weed

Dependent                : time taken for the color of sodium bicarbonate solution to

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  turn from deep red to purple

Constant                    : the apparatus settings, the volume of sodium bicarbonate

  Solution (5 cc), the length of pond weed (5 cm)


7 boiling tubes, 7 rubber stopper, 1 black paper, capillary tube, lamp


Pond weed, fresh sodium bicarbonate indicator


  1. CO2 was blown into some fresh bicarbonate indicator until it turns to red, which used for experiment.
  2. The test tubes are set up like in the diagram 1 and placed at varying distances from the light source. For the ...

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The experimenter gave sufficient detail on how they would investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. How variables were to be controlled or manipulated was described, however, the need to control temperature was left out. It might also be important to identify safety issues that might be taken into consideration. Rating ****