Blood's Passage around the body

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        Blood Circulation        

        A Brief Overview        

        Blood starts its journey throughout the body by exiting the left ventricle through the aorta in the heart. At this stage blood is rich in oxygen. The aorta goes into two main arteries in the head, the left and right carotid arteries, and one artery to each arm. The aorta moves down the chest and into the abdomen. The abdomen contains 3 main arteries to the liver and intestines, and one to each kidney. The aorta then divides into the right and left iliac arteries, which supply blood to the pelvis and legs.

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        From the arteries the blood flows into arterioles. Arterioles lead to every organ and tissue in the body. From the arterioles the blood enters a vast network of capillaries. “In the capillaries, the blood cells jostle along in a single file, giving up oxygen and other substances and taking in carbon dioxide and other waste products.”(Weston, 94) Due to the thin walls of capillaries, chemicals can be exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluid. Interstitial fluid is the portion of the extracellular fluid occupying the spaces between cells and tissues.

        From the capillaries, blood enters the venous system, first passing ...

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