Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid according to the equation below

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Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid according to the equation below.

CaCO3(s)  +    2HCl(aq)                     CaCl2(aq)  +  H2O (l)  +  CO 2(g)

You are to confirm by experiment that this reaction is first order with respect to hydrochloric acid.


The order of reaction gives the relationship between the rate of reaction, and the concentration of acid. In a first order reaction the rate is directly proportional to the concentration of the acid. Second order reactions are where the rate of reaction depends on the concentration squared. The aim of this experiment is to prove that the reaction that takes place is a first order reaction. Finding the rates for different concentrations, and plotting the results on a graph, rate against concentration, and drawing a line of best fit will be used to prove this.  


I predict that in the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration, they will be directly proportional to each other. This means that it will be a first order reaction. I have predicted this because page 4 of 4B2.5 states that in a reaction where the rate is directly proportional to the concentration of acid, it is a first order reaction.



2 molar hydrochloric acid

marble chips

electric weighing scale

250ml conical flask

50ml measuring cylinder

stop clock


  1. Take the equipment and set it up, placing the conical flask on the scales
  2. Press the tare button on the scales so that it shows that the weight is zero
  3. Weigh out 10g of marble chips into the conical flask
  4. Measure out 50cm3 of hydrochloric acid (this is 73.0g dm-3)
  5. Pour the acid into the conical flask and note the weight
  6. Start the timer as soon as possible
  7. Record the weight every 15 seconds for two minutes
  8. Repeat this experiment for every tenth percentage (43.8g dm-3 = 30 ml acid, 20ml water)
  9. Each of these concentrations needs to be repeated 3 times


In this experiment, the independent variable is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. I will change this variable so that I may study the effect that different concentrations of acid have on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the rate of reaction, as the rate at which it occurs will depend on the acid concentration.  

I will have to keep all of the other variables the same, so that it will be an entirely fair test. I will keep the weight of the marble chips the same. I will do this by weighing the marble chips, ensuring that there are 10g of marble chips used in each of the experiments. When using the marble chips, I will also have to ensure they are the same sizes, so that the surface areas are the same. I will have to measure the concentrations accurately, so that the total volume is always 50ml. I will do this by using an exact measuring cylinder. The temperature is another variable that may affect the reaction. Therefore, I must try to control the temperature by conducting the experiment in constant conditions.

Fair test

To make this a fair test, I will control the variables that I must keep the same. In the experiment, I will measure the weight of the reaction every 15 seconds for 2 minutes. I will be taking 9 readings for each concentration. I will do this for the concentrations, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 percent. I will measure the weight to 2 decimal places, to ensure that the results are as precise as possible. I will repeat the whole experiment three times. This will allow me to get a large range of results, and make sure the results are as accurate and reliable as possible. I will be able to take averages from the results, which will reduce the effect of anomalous results.

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Whilst undertaking this experiment, I must wear goggles and tie my hair back. I must wear goggles to protect my eyes, as the hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive, and could damage my eyes. I must also be careful not to spill any of the liquid during the experiment because of the dangers it will cause to both myself, and those working around me.

Preliminary work

The aim of the experiment was to find out how much gas is given off by marble chips when they react with hydrochloric acid. This would show if the concentration of hydrochloric ...

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