cannabis case study

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In this case study I’m going to debate the topic of cannabis legalization. I shall argue the advantages of cannabis such as it is a good pain relief and helps to relax. However, I shall also argue the disadvantages, such as it can lead to many medical conditions such as cancer, HIV, Multiple sclerosis and glaucoma. Personally, I feel Cannabis shouldn’t be legalized, which I shall explain throughout this case study.

Taking it
Smoking is the most common way of taking cannabis. A judicious amount of the drug is mixed with tobacco and hand-rolled into a cannabis cigarette. The 'spliff', 'joint', 'doobie', or 'reefer' is then lit up, inhaled, and often shared amongst a group of people.

It can also be ingested orally, either eaten 'raw' or mixed with food preparations or hot drinks. When eaten, however, the effects can be stronger, since the dosage is less controllable.

There are two varieties of cannabis, which are:

              Sativa grows very tall with slender shaped leaves, and a long

                                Flowering period.

              Indica has a bushier growth pattern with wider shaped leaves.

Cannabis is available in several different forms:

herbal  ('grass', 'weed', 'skunk'): the dried flower buds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.

resin ('black', 'soapbar', 'hash'): a product made from cannabis buds in the form of a block. Resin can be of any colour, from dark brown to green. It is heated and then crumbled before use.

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oil: a thick, concentrated oil made by dissolving, filtering, and then evaporating the resin. This is much stronger than all of the  above and is classified as a Class A drug in the UK, the same as heroin or cocaine.

Why Cannabis should be legalized?

Some people may find the effects of cannabis a good thing.

The desired effects experienced by users are talkativeness, cheerfulness, relaxation and greater senses of colour and sound.

Cannabis users often describe the experience of smoking the drug as initially ‘Relaxing and mellow’, creating a ...

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