Chemical control needs effective government. Discuss the use and abuse of pesticides of modern agriculture.

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AS Level Biology Essay - Chemical control needs effective government. Discuss the use and abuse of pesticides of modern agriculture. Rachel Miller L6T

Today, pesticides are widely used as a way of maximising the output of crops and animals in agriculture. By growing or maintaining large populations of one species of animal or crop plant in one particular area, a large food supply is created for other organisms such as insects. These other organism's populations are then allowed to become much bigger than they would normally be. These organisms rapidly become pests diminishing the yields of the cultivation.

As world hunger is a problem that is prevalent today, to be able to maximise world food production is an important issue that needs close attention, and any possible solution to this problem should be considered. Estimates indicate that without the problem of insect pests alone, world food production would increase by about a third; as this represents the loss with the current control measures, it would indisputably be disastrous if control of insect pests alone was not attempted.

One way of striving to do this is by the use of pesticides. Pesticides are poisonous substances that are used in order to make use of their toxic properties by eliminating a particular pest. However they can become pollutants when they reach the wrong targets, and overuse can result in a pest becoming resistant to the chemical pesticide used - thus rendering that chemical useless there, and creating a superior chemical resistant pest. The main groups of pesticides are herbicides, used to kill weeds; fungicides, used to kill species of fungi; nematocides, used to control eelworms; and insecticides, used to kill insects.

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Normally used against a specific organism, ideally it should poison it, but otherwise be harmless. Yet although it is possible for a chemical to be selective (the chosen pest is destroyed) complete selectivity is virtually impossible; there's always a risk that pesticides will cause damage to man, or other non-target organisms.

Some pesticides are acutely poisonous and unstable substances; they can cause severe damage over a restricted area, but not long-term pollution. Others maybe less acutely poisonous, but be much more persistent, continuing to have ecological effects for a very long time after they were used. Such persistent chemicals can ...

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