Chemistry-Sodium Thiosulphate

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Chris Collins

GCSE Chemistry Coursework

How does the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affect the rate of reaction of with hydrochloric acid?

In this coursework I aim to find out how the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affects the rate of reaction of with hydrochloric acid. I aim to see if higher or lower concentrations make the rate of reaction faster or slower. 

The aim of the experiment is to test different concentrations to see which works best. The aim is to find the best concentration by seeing which concentration makes the experiment work faster. This is when the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid is at its fastest. I will find out the rate of reaction, which is done by diving 1 by the average time taken. I will test this by using 30ml of sodium thiosulphate and 0ml of water, and gradually getting more dilute. I will go on to use 25ml of sodium thiosulphate and 5ml of water, keeping the solution constant at 30ml. I will always use 5ml of hydrochloric acid, as this is an independent variable that I am not testing the concentration of.

I predict that when the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate is higher, the rate of reaction will be quickest. This means that both graphs in my analysis will have positive correlation (my time taken and rate of reaction graphs). Positive correlation is when the plotting of the graphs goes down in time as the concentration increases and/or vice versa. I think this will happen because of what is stated in the collision theory. For a reaction to happen particles must collide with each other. The particles must overcome a energy barrier and only particles with enough energy will overcome this barrier. The minimum amount of energy that a particle must have to overcome the energy barrier is called the activation energy. If the frequencies of collisions are increased the rate of reaction will increase. The frequency of collisions can be increased in a number of ways, but I am looking at the concentration. If the concentration of a solution is increased there are more reactant particles per unit volume, hence the number of collisions per unit time in that volume. This increases the probability of reactant particles colliding with each other. The more particles in a reaction, the more successful collisions meaning increased rate of reaction. The variable is continuous and independent. I shall test this variable. So therefore I predict that when I lower the concentration, there are less particles to react and the rate of reaction will decrease as the time taken goes increases.

The reaction taking place is this:

Na2S2O3  + HCl  ---->  S + SO2 + H2O + NaCl

Sodium         +  Hydrochloric → Sulphur + Sulphur + Water + Sodium

thiosulphate          acid                                   dioxide                  chloride

The balanced symbol equation is:

Na2S2O3  + 2HCl  ---->  S + SO2 + H2O + 2NaCl


  • 1 large measuring cylinder
  • 2 small measuring cylinders
  • 1 beaker
  • Sodium thiosulphate
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Distilled water
  • Pipet
  • Card with ‘X’ on
  • Stop watch


  1. Measure required amount of sodium thiosulphate using large measuring cylinder.
  2. Measure required amount of hydrochloric acid using pipet and small measuring cylinder.
  3. Measure required amount of distilled water using second small measuring cylinder.
  4. Put beaker over piece of card with ‘X’ on and add the sodium thiosulphate with distilled water.
  5. Add the hydrochloric acid and begin stopwatch
  6. Stop the stopwatch when ‘X’ is not visible
  7. Repeat three times for an average time
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Fair test:

To make my experiment a success it must be fair and accurate. I firstly had to measure as accurately as I possibly could. The whole test was based on the sodium thiosulphate, hydrochloric acid and water, which were all measured. The measuring had to be correct and accurate for the reaction to happen successfully. If the measuring were a few millilitres off, it would have changed the results a lot, making the test inaccurate. This had to be done correctly, and I feel I did this quite well. Also to keep the test ...

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