Choosing Wires to do Different Jobs in Electrical Engineering.

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Matthew Lawson 10 Bede

SC1 Investigation: Choosing Wires to do Different Jobs in Electrical Engineering.

Problem- I am going to try and find out how the resistance of the wire is affected as the length of the wire changes.

Variables- In this experiment I will be changing the length of the wire; this will be changed for each test that I make. I will use the same material for the wire, keep it the same thickness and at the same temperature as these may also effect the resistance of the wire if they are changed.

Prediction- I predict that as the length of the wire increases the resistance of the wire will also increase because the free electrons will have further to travel and will collide with more atoms and other free electrons in the wire. I also predict that input variable will be proportional to the output so if the input is doubled the output should also be doubled.


I will first set up a circuit like the one shown above including the Ampmeter and Voltmeter. I will choose one type of wire, which will always be of the same material and diameter, to act as a resister in the circuit. I will measure the resistance of the wire by recording the reading on the Ampmeter and Voltmeter then dividing them by each other to get the resistance, I will right down the resistance to 3 significant figures. I will then increase the length of the wire by 10cm and find out the resistance again. I will do this to a maximum of 80cm. I will then do the experiment another 2 times and find the average of the resistance in my test.

Fair Test- To make this experiment a fair test I will I will always use the same material of wire as different materials will contain different amounts off electrons which may effect the outcome variable. The width of the wire will also be kept the same and the temperature will be at a constant level as this may also affect the resistance of the wire. The only thing in the experiment I will be changing will be the length of the wire so I can see if the length of the wire affects the resistance.

Safety- To make this experiment safe I will keep my bag and stool under the table so they don’t get in the way in the experiment. I will also disconnect the battery after each reading to prevent the wire heating up too much and burning something, and I will take care of the equipment to prevent breakage.

Preliminary Results-


 My preliminary test results clearly show an increase in resistance as the length of the wire increases. As you can see from the results above when the length of wire is 10cm the resistance is quite low but at 80cm the resistance of the wire has increased. From my results you can also see that resistance of the wire is proportional to the length, as the length doubles the resistance doubles.

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From my results you can see that my Prediction has come true. By looking at my graph and results table you can see that as the length of the wire increases so does the resistance the wire creates. You can also see from the graph and table that the input variable is directly proportional to the output variable, you can see evidence of this by looking at the resistance at 30cm then comparing it to the resistance at 60cm, this is indicated by the dotted lines on the graph. I believe that my theory fits ...

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