Cloning pros and cons

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A group of genetically identical offspring produced by asexual reproduction is called a clone. The nucleus of every cell of an individual contains the genetic information needed to develop the entire organism. It is therefore possible under suitable conditions to produce a whole organism from a single cell. If a cell divides mitotically it will produce a clone. If each cell of the clone is separated and allowed to develop into the complete organism, a group of genetically identical offspring is formed. This is known as cloning. (2).

Two very different procedures have been referred to as "cloning":

  • Embryo cloning has been successfully carried out for years on many species of animals. Some limited experimentation has been done on human embryos.
  • Adult DNA cloning has been used to clone a sheep, but was not tried on humans until 1998-DEC (3)

Humans often think of themselves as being superior to other animals (not to mention plants, fungi, bacteria and so on) and therefore having the “right” to exploit other organisms for their own benefit. (1)

The cloning of the sheep, Dolly, in 1997 was an inevitable consequence of the progress being made in genetics and biotechnology. It raises the possibility of breeding many identical copies of animals including transgenic animals, showing desirable features. One of the ethical concerns is that the techniques could be applied to humans, although such work is currently banned. (1)

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The cloning of sheep at Roslin Institute near Edinburgh was thus a highly significant biological departure, and one of the most momentous scientific events of the 1990s. In 1995, Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell, and their colleagues cloned Megan and Morag from cultured embryo cells; and in July 1996, Dolly, produced from cultured adult cells, was born. In the following year, the biotechnology company PPL produced Polly, who was not only cloned, but genetically transformed (“engineered”) en route. Polly had been fitted with a human gene that causes her to secrete a human blood-clotting factor in her milk, which potentially was of ...

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Punctuation, grammar and spelling all done to a very high level. The format of the essay is very good being split into very easy to read paragraphs.

The introduction outlines what cloning is in a very accurate way. The candidate also references their sources in a very professional way not normally seen at this level of qualification. The candidate shows deep analysis and links between a variety and topics and concerns about cloning to a very high level of detail. The candidate also shows research and consideration of the moral obligations behind cloning and its possible impacts on a larger scale. The piece lacks an overall conclusion which is needed to tie up loose ends and provide an overall opinion on the subject.

The response to the question is done very well. The candidate explains what cloning is before focusing on the advantages and disadvantages by topic. They synthesise the different topics together well and the essay flows very well to read. They show a good depth of research with the number of topics they consider.