Comparing the densities of glass and sand

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Majid Khan - Physics

Comparing the densities of glass and sand


My aim for this experiment is to determine as precisely as possible, with the apparatus provided, the densities of glass and sand


The apparatus I will be provided for this experiment is as follow:-

  • Glass block
  • Ruler
  • Plastic cup
  • Dry sand
  • 250ml measuring cylinder
  • Access to balance and water


For this experiment I will predict that the densities of glass and sand will be equal. This is because glass is made from sand. So if the experiment is performed accurately both the densities will be equal.


  • At the start of the experiment we set up all the equipment. After that we measured the glass block. In order to make our measurements accurate we used a vernier caliper instead of a standard 30cm ruler. We used the vernier caliper to measure the height, the width and the thickness which are the 3 measurements we need in order to calculate the volume of the glass block. We also took precautions while measuring the glass block. This was basically repetition. We measured it 3 times and then worked out an average for the width, height and thickness
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  • After that we weighed the glass block. We used digital measuring balance to find out the mass. We weighed the glass once and didn’t have to do it repeatedly because it was a digital balance.

  • Next, we measured the sand in the container. In order to make sure that we find out the accurate mass of the sand, we put the container on the digital measuring balance and then zeroed the balance. This ensured that it was zero with the container and weighed the sand accurately.

  • After that we used the measuring cylinder to get the volume ...

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