Comparing the Energy Released By combustion of Different Alcohols

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To investigate and compare the relationships between the amounts of energy released from different alcohols in the alcohol series.


Alcohols are a series of organic homologous compounds with the general formula of C(n) H(2n+1) OH. They gain their properties, which are different to those of other compounds in the homologous series due to the OH bonded to the Carbon. The 4 simplest alcohols are Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol and Butanol. Each alcohol has one more carbon and two more hydrogens than the previous one.

When alcohols are heated to react in a copious supply of oxygen they undergo complete combustion to form carbon dioxide and water. The reaction is an exothermic one and produces a flame emitting light and thermal energy. This is because the energy put into the alcohol to break the bonds is less than the energy given out by new bonds forming. Therefore, different alcohols release different amounts of energy. The diagrams and calculations on the following sheets show the theoretical energy release of each alcohol using the bond energy values below.


The calculations show that: (the negative values mean energy is lost from the compounds and is therefore given out as heat or light)

The negative values mean energy is lost from the compounds and is therefore given out as heat or light as an exothermic reaction.

The graph shows that as the length of alcohol chains increases the energy released by combustion will also increase directly proportionally. This is shown by the straight line passing through the origin on the graph on page 6. This is because the longer chains have give out more energy from the bonds formed in the products than the energy that went in to break the extra carbon and 2 hydrogen bonds.

During this investigation I will be using propan-1-ol and butan-1-ol. The 1 refers to the structure of the compound, as Propanol and Butanol are capable of having more than one structure but share the same molecular formula. This is important as other isomers will release different levels of energy due to the different arrangement of bonds.

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The evidence given previously states that the longer the chain of the molecules the more energy it will release. Therefore I expect Methanol to give of the least energy and Butan-1ol to release the most amount of energy. This is due to the enrrgy of the products in Butanol being higher than the energy in Methanol.

My graph should look the same as the one on the previous page for the theoretical energy release values. However, I will expect my results to show a lower level of energy release because not all of the energy will go ...

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