Conscience as clear as crystal.

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Conscience as clear as crystal

A stranger on these inviting lands of lush, green meadows and breathtaking mountain scenes, the wolven stole across the clearing, as silent and swift as shadow. At first glance, it may have been mistaken for a male, with its broad-set shoulders, packed with muscles that pulsed steadily beneath the sleek pelt. However, closer examination would have revealed the slim maw and narrow, determined eye-slits, crowned with a ring of thick lashes. Her majestic scruff, streaked with tan and gold, swayed in the fluctuating breeze and shuddered with every pound of her paws on the beaten earth. After banishing herself from her home, her sole concern was on flight from her past, which could be discarded, but not fully erased from her troubled mind. However, the un-tethered feelings discovered through her wild race for freedom could not release her memories from their cell, bound and tortured by guilt. Though, pain from experiences can make us stronger and stop us from making the same mistakes again…

The fae was perfectly adapted to cope with the chill morning atmosphere with her extremely thick snowy pelt. Like a luxurious fur coat to a human, this was a rare commodity for a wolven of the Centre lands and something that she was most grateful for. A large gash on her foreleg had left naught but a scar. No longer did the actual wound pain her, but the sight of it still brought back painful memories. The small area of exposed flesh was the only part of her sensitive skin that was uncovered by a layer of thick fur and though she had got used to elements beating down on her body, she still winced at the pain of the icy wind, slicing like a blade at that miniscule piece of bare flesh.

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Glistening drops of dew hung from stiff blades of grass, held in the hard earth. The wolf slowed to a canter and turned her visage to the horizon beyond the mountain peaks, awaiting the first beams of sunlight to come and free the earth from the fierce clutches of the frost. Warmth soon began to spread rapidly through the centre of the solid soil, melting the binds that held it so firmly. The femora snorted and her brow furrowed. Her orbs of liquid amber glared with defiance, as if warning the sun not to trespass upon her cold morning world. ...

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