Coronary Heart Disease

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Coronary heart disease remains the most common cause of death in the United Kingdom.  A statistic from the American Heart Association is that heart disease claims a life every 24 seconds.  [] Another is that it is the largest single cause of premature death in the United Kingdom, responsible for 180 000 deaths annually. [] Some cases are related to family history, but in my opinion the majority of cases are self-inflicted i.e. they are related to diet and lifestyle and I intend to investigate the factors that contribute towards the development of Coronary Heart Disease.

Coronary Heart Disease is caused by the narrowing of the arteries due to the build up of fatty deposits in the lining of the arteries [atherosclerosis].  The presence of a blood clot in these arteries can lead to a blockage, which cuts off the supply of blood to the heart, and to a subse4quent heart attack [coronary thrombosis].  Stroke is the sudden loss of brain function mostly due to a blood clot in the artery supplying the brain.  [P.M. Gaman and K.B. Sherrington, the science of food, 4th Edition]  Many factors are known to increase the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.  Some are major risk factors that can’t be changed, e.g. a genetic predisposition to the disease.

Smoking is a major contributor and increases the likelihood of fatty deposits arising on the inner lining of the arteries, which causes the lumen to narrow, so restricting the movement of blood through them.  When this narrowing occurs in the coronary artery it can lead to a heart attack.  Narrowing the carotid artery may lead to a stroke.  [Toole, G. & S. (1999) Understanding Biology for Advanced Level 4th edition, Stanley Thrones]. 

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Cholesterol is another contributory factor towards atherosclerosis.  Cholesterol is carried in the blood by specific proteins, which direct its metabolism.  In particular Coronary Heart Disease is linked to low density lipoproteins (LDLs) which carries 70% of blood cholesterol.  A high level of LDL cholesterol in the blood [especially if oxidised] can lead to deposits in the arteries, which cause narrowing.  High density lipoproteins (HDLs) on the other hand are beneficial as it transports cholesterol from places where there is too much to the liver where it can be disposed of.

Much attention has been focused on the correlation ...

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This is a reasonably well written essay, the candidate has demonstrated a good understanding of the topic, they have used appropriate medical terms and there are no errors with spelling or grammar.

It is clear that the candidate has undergone independent research, this demonstrates an interest in your subject which is always a good thing. Furthermore, the additional information this enables you to include in your work can make your essay more enjoyable to read. To add to this, the candidate has included references to the various resources they have used which is important as this shows the steps you have taken to prepare for your essay and providing you have written up the information in you own words this shows that your work is not plagiarised. However the way in which the candidate has sited resources is not really appropriate, it is more acceptable to write a bibliography at the end of your essay in which you can include links to webpages and the names of books you have looked at. On a final note, the candidate fails to ends this piece work with an appropriate conclusion. When concluding an essay, you should write a summary of the key points you have mentioned and explain why this are important, this helps to tie together any loose ends and draw you essay to a close.

The candidate starts off with a good introductory paragraph, they have attempted to engage the reader by giving interesting facts related to coronary heart disease and they have stated what they plan to discuss, which is important as you want to make the purpose of your essay clear to the reader. The one thing this introduction is lacking is a brief description of what coronary heart disease actually is, you need to include a few sentences that introduce your topic as this helps start off the essay. Overall the candidate has given a good response to this topic, though they have not looked at any statistical data or scientific reports, therefore have not really considered the evidence relating to the causes of coronary heart disease. This is something you should consider if you discussing causes of a disease, you need look for evidence that backs up the theories.