Creationism/Evolution essay

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Creationism or Evolution?

There are two main arguments for the birth of mankind and animal life, creationism and evolution. Creationism is the belief that god created the world in 7 days and evolution is the belief that we were born from single cells evolving (changing) over the millions of years; these two theories conflict and raise a lot of dispute.


The idea of Evolution was presented by Charles Darwin in 1859. He thought that every organism began life as a single cell and evolved into what they are today. To explain his theory in more detail, he writes a book called ‘The Origin of Species’, detailing the idea of Evolution by natural selection. Darwin's work soon led to overwhelming acceptance of Evolution within the scientific community. In the 1930s, Darwinian natural selection was combined with Mendelian inheritance to form the modern Evolutionary amalgamation, in which the connection between the units of Evolution (genes) and the mechanism of Evolution (natural selection) was made. This powerful theory has become the main organizing principle of modern biology, providing a unifying explanation for the variety of life on Earth.

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Evolution is believable because there is proof of it taking place.  80 years ago, rats could be successfully contained using the poison Warfarin, which stopped the rat’s blood from clotting. However, now the majority of the rats are unaffected by the poison. This is proof that the rats have evolved. It happened after a few rats become resistant, then the resistant rats breed to carry on the resistance to its offspring (through genes), so the rat population continues to survive. Something similar to this has been seen with what we call ‘Super Bugs’. These are diseases that keep on ...

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