Damped Oscillation.

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Work based on a combination of the Modelling and Experimental cycles

Damped Oscillation


                           By Jian Qin Lu

  • Introduction

        Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a very interesting motion. In the ideal situation the acceleration of the moving object is proportional to the distance between the object and the origin (O), and the time period of the oscillation is constant. However, in a real situation the motion doesn’t exactly behave like this. Because there is damping, it makes the amplitude of the motion decrease and finally the motion will be stopped. The whole system continues lose energy due to against the resistance (i.e. air resistance).

        Simple pendulum motion can be approximated as a SHM at a small angle (less than 170 or 0.3 radius at 2 decimal places accuracy level). Therefore it can be modelled as SHM (with the damping term).

    (NB: all the time measurements in this coursework are accurate to 0.01 second.)

  • Aim

        In this coursework I am going to use differential equation to model the damping of the simple pendulum motion in a thin liquid. And find the general solution of the differential equation. Also I will give the particular solution of this situation.

  • Simplifying the situation and setting up the model

        Here I will list the basic data of the experiment.

  1. The mass of the pendulum bob (m) = 1kg  
  2. The length of the string (l) = 1m

       3.  The liquid I will use is water.

Because of the limitation of my knowledge, I need make some assumptions before starting to model this motion.

  1. Assume that the simple pendulum motion is SHM. Therefore there is no vertical movement be considered in the model.
  2. Assume that the pendulum bob is a particle.
  3. Assume that the string is light.
  4. Assume that the string is inelastic (and therefore has constant length).
  5. Assume that the string is always straight.
  6. Assume that the resistance is proportional to velocity.
  7. Assume that the water is stable therefore there is no side force act on the system.
  8. Assume that the gravitational acceleration is

Now I can start to model this situation. The two variables I would use are x (displacement) and t (time). The acceleration is . Because I assume this motion is SHM, the acceleration is proportional to the displacement which is between the pendulum bob and the centre. Then the equation =kx is coming out. Since restoring force is proportional to the displacement and always acts to bring the object back to the equilibrium, and F=ma. Acceleration=-kx where k is a positive value. In fact we know that the k is  and , therefore k actually is . Normally we use  to represent . As I assume that there is no side force, the force term should be 0 in this particular modeling. Now the equation can be written as .

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Because the damping is due to the resistance in the liquid, the damped term is the resistance. In my assumption I said that the resistance was proportional to velocity. So. In this case velocity is , hence . My first model of this situation is completed. The model is as follows:

  • Manipulating the model

        I am going to solve this differential equation. This is a second order differential equation. Following is the steps I have taken to solve this second order differential equation.

Aux. equation

Case 1:



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